KillmeQuQs dares

165 4 1

Dare: watch a looped video of Danny dancing for two hours

The gentleman: ok this doesn't seem so bad

The gentleman: I always say that tho

The gentleman: I've cursed myself

The gentleman: but I do like the video

The gentleman: the animation is so smooth

The gentleman: how long do i have to look at this for?

Danny: two hours

The gentleman: *realised that being born was a mistake*

The gentleman: oh god...

*two hours later*

The gentleman: is it over now?

Danny: yup! It's all over

The gentleman: everywhere I look I can see spooky dance

I watched the video and


anyways I need to tell you guys something

My screen time is off during 12-6 pm (English time) so only during that time I can do all your dares

So sorry if I make you wait the next day to do your dares

So yea

155 words

Dares for the among us logic crew *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now