sareirias dare

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Dare: make mr cheese, the gentleman, mr egg, gnome, timmy and mother play a game on robot called phobias, they can only go to the door with their own fears

Gnome: *has a fear of going insane*

Gnome: this won't be that bad, its just a game, right?

Gnome: *spawns into the game*

Gnome: ok, we all look the same, and were all, in a tiny, white room. Not that bad. Oh there are other rooms. Why is my screen going glitchy? WHATS GOING ON?!

gnome: its just an endless circle of rooms and rooms and rooms, bumping into the exact same people all the time, your vision going more and more couruppted as you walk further and further. I'm exhausted yet its seems like in not going anywhere, not like I have a destination at all...

Engineer: yup, thats enough gaming for you, time to read a book

Mother:*fear of situations that might cause anxiety and stress*

Mother: there's a corridor I'm going to go walk down it,

Mother: I can only hear my footsteps echoing and bouncing off the walls. My head is telling me I should turn around and stay where the door is, my gut is telling me to go fourth, there has to be something in the dark empty abyss, there must be. I hear knocking coming from the door, I'm not going to turn around, there might be something there. Eventually I come across a two way corridor, I decide to go right and see an old record player and a painting, the painting is pure black, its got nothing on it, but I don't pay attention to that, the radio was like from my child hood, out of the blue old music comes blasting out if the radio, it has a 19th century touch to it. I liked to listen to these kinds of things as a child, but now it agitated me. I wanted to destroy the radio, but not a drop of strength remained in me. The whole world turns a deep, glowing red, im screaming in silence as I notice the painting has a picture on it, it looked like a women, and a baby, and something else. My chest begins to tighten and my breath gets short and choppy. Throughout all this the radio music keeps playing, as calm and jolly as it was before. I'm flashed whith red and black and on my screen it tells me. you have been kicked from the server DO NOT COME BACK.

Mother: I didn't enjoy that

Timmy: *a fear of books*

Timmy: I spawn into the library, I never liked going to the library, it always felt so quiet to me, this one was no exception. I wanderd through, examining all the thick books, I recognised some of them surprisingly, the walls were covered in cobwebs and some sort of sludge, I carefully run my hand along one of the shelves, my fingers come away dusty and dirty, it looks like this place hasn't been touched in years, centurys if you will. I hear a shriek coming from behind me I quickly spin around and come face to face with a deformed, white, featureless monster. I run as fast as I can, despite having a strong li,p it still chased me with ease. it reminded me of old memories, daddy forcing us to read, get educated, chasing us around with a stick and hurting us if necessary. That's what slowed me down, those memories. The monster shrieked again but I couldn't move, I couldn't feel anything anymore, I was numb. It grabbed my shoulders and killed me fresh.

Timmy: *crying hard*


Mr cheese: *fear of dolls*

Mr cheese: im in a room. A pitch black room, It had nothing, except for some creepy music in the back, I don't know where it came from, or evennif it was coming from a speaker at at all, it was like an old melody from the olden days, except, it was cracked and worn out idecided not to think much of it until I turned around. There was what looked like, a voodoo doll. It was unsettling in every way. I don't know what triggered me to run away, maybe it was those button eyes that pierced into my soul, maybe it was because it had lots of needles poking out of every place you can imagine. Maybe its because it followed me, with its head, watching every move i took, every mistake i made, it saw. It was like it was ripping into my flesh and tearing away at me. Taking a glimpse at my worst regrets. I tried to chuck that al away and run, into the endless void. Anything was better than being with that...thing. I've been running for a few minutes so I decide to take a break and see how far away it is from me. I can see it, it looks close, as if I've been running nowhere all this time. I give into the defeat and sit next to it

The gentleman: *closes his laptop for him* you should go get some rest

The gentleman: fear of monsters

The gentleman: people, always told me my fear wass stupid and dumb, I'm a big baby according to them, but its not my fault for thinking that. I won't explain for the sake of me bursting into tears.

Player: its ok, but just play the game.

The gentleman: ok

The gentleman: I spawn into a narrow pathway with thick ,grizly sharp thorns on either side of them. I try to take a look to see if I can look through the bushes but I can't see anything, So I keep walking. I notice I have a lantern so I light it and go 'Huh, a maze.' I think to myself I could hear a deep growl come from the other side but my stupid legs keep taking me towards the sound. Then I see it. It was big, and muscular. It had black skin, encrusted with dirt and hair, its eyes were massive and glowing white. All over its body were blood stains, some brown and crusty, some red and fresh from its last victim. but what scared me the most was its smile. I was wide and grinning. Its teeth were yellow and rotten. But his mouth never stopped smiling, it was a plaster grin on his face. I tried to tiptoe quietly past it but it noticed me. I ran. I don't know where but I was running. I'm starting to tear up in real life. I don't need to check if its still following me, I can hear its screams and cries. I bump into a dead end. NO NO NO NO! I try to escape by coming out the way I came in but he was there. He backed me up against the prickly wall. Its thorns digging into the back of my neck, causing it to bleep and trickle down my back. It leaned in closer, to the point where I could feel his cold, harsh breath. On my face. It slashed me on the chest with its blood-stained claws. Once, twice. Until. I could no longer feel myself live anymore

Mr cheese: i think we both need a nap

Mr egg: *fear of mirrors*

Mr egg: I'm in a room I don't know how I got here but I'm here now. I see a piece of paper on the wall, it tells me to dum the lights and look into the mirror ahead, once I feel like somethings wrong, I can leave the room. I haven't even started the experiment and already I feel strange. I dim the lights and walk up to the mirror. After a few moments of nothing happening I chuckle to myself. It's just a mirror, nothing to be afraid of. I feel a cold breeze on my neck, it makes me shiver slightly but I think nothing of it until it looks like I'm gliching. In the mirror, my head starts to just glitch out. I could see my expression darken and my skin gets paler as I comprehend what I was looking at just now. The door behind me swings open but nothing comes inside. My head starts freaking out even more. The lid for the vent on the ceiling also drops down, a loud CRASH when it hits the ground. At this point I'm ready to leave the room but the mirror isn't done yet. My head glitches out some more and the lights decide to play some games with me like I'm some sort of puppet. I spin around but to my surprise everything is normal, the door is closed and the lid is back on the vent. I turn back to the mirror and see a word flash across my vision.


The question mark kept glitching but I knew it was there, I reach out out to touched it but nothing happened. I kept hearing shuffling in the vents so I turn around, like I expected, nothing. But the mirror keeps burning words in my head.




I take a step away from the mirror, horrified. But words keep appearing.





Freaked out, I rush to turn the lights back on but the words still remain in my head when I run to the switch

Stop the madness

I turn the lights back on and take one last look at the mirror



It said. I scrambled out of the room before anything could happen to me.

And that's it

I was thinking of explaining why they have these fears but this chapters already long enough so I might do that on a different chapter

1642 words

Dares for the among us logic crew *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now