Sareirias dare

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The gentleman: *puts on mother's outfit*

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The gentleman: *puts on mother's outfit*

The gentleman: iM a BaRbIe GiRl iN a BaRbIe WoRlD

Veteran: dude, what the hell are you doing?

The gentleman: *slaps him* WEAR YOUR MASK!

Veteran: OW!

Mr cheese: hey the gentleman, I've seen you've learned to appreciate real fashion-

Mr cheese: never mind, you're still wearing two top hats

Mr cheese: anyways! I got Timmy, Franklyn and Michael so we can take care of them!

The gentleman: I'm not good with kids..

Mr cheese: yes but I'm here too

The gentleman: I guess

*from then on they took care of the kids for ten days, during the process, ten were killed, two were arrested and five building were set on fire, but they got the job done*

Children, are yall good?

130 words

Dares for the among us logic crew *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now