sareirias dare

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Dare: the gentleman mr cheese Mr egg player and captain play are you genius on roblox

Sareiria: I'll ask the questions

Sareiria: what is the capital of the united states?

The gentleman: Washington DC

Mr cheese: Washington's DC

Mr egg: Washington DC

Player: Washington DC

Captain: Washington DC

what is the longest river in Russia

The gentleman: the ob river basin

Mr cheese: a river

Mr egg: the ob river basin

Player: I dunno

Captain: the Nile

Who invented phones

The gentleman: Alexander Graham bell

Mr cheese: Antonio meucci

Mr egg: Alexander graham bell

Player: somebody

Captain: a human being

who invented cars

The gentleman: Karl benze

Mr cheese: Karl

Mr egg:Karl benze

Player: Karl benze

Captain: whatever the others said

who invented the marvel series

The gentleman: mr cheese was talking to me about this, uuuh, i think it's....bill gates? WAIT NO I CHANGED MY MIND-

Mr cheese: Martin goodman

Mr egg: I don't know

Player: Martin goodman, yall are idiots

Captain: Martin goodman

what is the capital of Russia

The gentleman: Moscow

Mr cheese: snow

Mr egg:Moscow

Player: Moscow

Captain: cold

188 words

Dares for the among us logic crew *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now