Broxninjas dare

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Engineer: what the-

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Engineer: what the-

Gnome: YEEES I've always wanted to see you in a maid dress


Gnome: *dresses him up*

Engineer: now this is just silly

Engineer: what am I doing with my life

Engineer: *gets on the table*

Engineer: hey clown jester, you've done it again

Engineer: constantly raising the bar for the circus and doing it foolishly I'd say I'm surprised but I know who you are, I've seen up close and personal, I know who you are

Engineer: listen, I don't like you, I'm now going to start barking at you

Engineer: *starts barking*

Player and veteran: *literally cry-laughing on the floor*

Captain and the gentleman: *trying to hold in there laughs*

Mr pride: *starts barking too*

Gnome: *vibing*

Mother: *inspecting how well the dress is made*

This was a very strange one oh god

144 words

Dares for the among us logic crew *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now