Athiarahmans dare

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Mr egg: I will pass thank you, I don't enjoy torturing others

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Mr egg: I will pass thank you, I don't enjoy torturing others

Mr cheese: YES!

035: what is going on-

Mr cheese: *straps him down and gets a chainsaw out*


mr egg: I'm going to slowly walk away...

The gentleman: *gives zanu a cup of tea*

Mr cheese: *hugs them*

Mother: try not to focus on all the bad things in life. There's so much wonder in the world.

Player: if you want you can talk to your freinds or family about it

Gnome: *gives her a kitten* I'm not good at comforting people so, here you go!

Player: hey veteran

Veteran: hi player

Player: *grabs him by the waist*

Veteran: player, what are you-

Player: *kisses him all over*

Veteran: ...

Veteran: do that again~

Ok so ive decided...

I will make a second book

But I'm probably going to make and start it on Wednesday next week

The reason for that is because I just need a small break from all this writing

So yeah, hope you understand

177 words

Dares for the among us logic crew *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now