Sareirias dare

206 7 6

For this dare:
Not oranges kid: Michael
Veterans kid: josh
The gentleman's kid: susie

Player: so I need to make a house, woah there are so many options!

Veteran: just pick one, my child is getting tired

Player: since when did you get a child?

Veteran: since five seconds ago

The gentleman: I too have a child

Player: this one looks good

Mr cheese: *pulls up in a van that has 'free sweets' written on the side of it*

Susie, Michael, josh, Timmy, Franklyn: *run over to the van*

Mr cheese: there are free donuts in the back!

The kids: *climb into the back and get kidnapped*

Player: and it's loading

Veteran: where's josh?

The gentleman: such a bad dad

Veteran: says the one who also lost their kid

The gentleman: wait, WHAT

mother: NOOOOO

not orange: why are you all screaming?

mother: MY CHILDREN!!!

Not orange: don't worry, Michael will take care of them, he is the oldest after all

Mother: you are coming with us

The parents: *go to find their children*

Mr cheese: *driving as fast as he can*

Player: um ok...anyways, this house won't Fit all of us so half of you come live with me and the rest go live in a different house.

House no 1:

Player captain veteran mother Timmy Franklyn and dum

House no 2:

Ninja bro stoner not orange Michael the gentleman mr cheese and Susie

The adventures in house no 1:

*veteran mother Timmy and Franklyn are gone*

Player: this is my bedroom

Captain: well I dibs this to be my bedroom!

Player: you can't do that I said it would be mine first

Captain: will I dibs on it

Player: dibs doesn't exist

Captain: well for me it does

Dum: don't worry captain you can share a room with me

Captain: see this is what a good person does

Player: at least I get to have the bedroom all to myself

Dum: we need to baby proof the house


The adventures in house no 2:
(Not orange, Michael, the gentleman, susie and not orange are gone)

Stoner: ya want some ŴĒÊD?

bro: yeah

Ninja: hai

Do you know what's annoying

My screen time

It literally went off while I was writing this THATS why it took so long

376 words

Dares for the among us logic crew *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now