sareirias dare

237 5 2

*Timmy and Franklin are now grown up*

Timmy: look at me! I'm so tall now!

Franklin: there's no time to celebrate us being able to achieve goals we couldn't before. Now we have to wach something

Ninja: *is a girl*

The gentleman, mr cheese, player, veteran, captain, rose and gnome: *get into positions*

Mr egg and ninja: *ready to sing*

Timmy: wut

Franklin: uhh

Mr egg and ninja: jugemu jugemu gokou no surikire

The others: *dancing*

Timmy and Franklin: .......

Timmy: this is very inappropriate

Franklin: hush, im enjoying the show

Timmy in his mind: wtf is wrong with all of you

The gentleman: why did I agree to this

Captain, cheese, rose and gnome: UwU

Player: *has no idea whats going on*

Veteran: yes

Ninja: *singing perfectly*

Mr egg: *pretending to sing because he has no idea what any of it means*

Timmy: very confused

Franklin: enjoying every moment of it

After some beautiful moments of dancing

Mr egg: and that's the end, finally

Timmy: why did...why is.. what?

Franklin: *clapping and cheering*

Ok ngl this was definitely a strange one

But it was pretty funny

189 words

Dares for the among us logic crew *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now