Athirahmans dares

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Ok so first things first,(this message if for athirahman) yes I did do luigiFans dares first because their dares were short and only took me like a minute to write, but then your dare is really long and takes me longer to write and I was thought I should get the shorter dares out of the way before doing the longer dares. And I will get to them as soon as possible, I'm really sorry I hope you understand, ok let's start.

*the gentleman, engineer and rose are now chibi*

The gentleman: why am I so small?!

Engineer: wait but this isn't scientifically possible for the human body to do this

Rose: oh my god somebody help please

The gentleman: mr cheese! Can you hear me?!

Mr cheese: oh hi the gentleman! Wow you are tiny and you are so cute aww

The gentleman: I am not cute, now I need to do something *hugs his knee* if you can't tell I'm trying to hug you but I'm so small so yeah

Mr cheese: I want to squeeze you and love you

The gentleman: please don't


Engineer: babe! Turn around!

Gnome: oh hi there, you look just like my boyfriend

Engineer: I am your boyfriend

Gnome: why are you so small then?

Engineer: I don't know, it's the only thing I haven't been able to figure out today

Engineer: and also *hugs her knee*

Gnome: *dies from cuteness*

B-day: oh hi rose why are you-


bday: woah calm down


bday: don't worry I got turned into a cat once and I wasn't screaming and running around


Rose: please

Rose: I'm out of breath

Rose: *hugs his knee* this is the only thing that brings me joy
(How do you feel about becoming chibi?)

The gentleman: I uh, don't know. Mr cheese is teasing me because I'm so small, but he keeps calling me cute so that's something

Engineer: I'm so confused why, how, huh?

Mr cheese: the gentleman come here

The gentleman: Um alright?

Mr cheese: *pinches his face*

The gentleman: ow, mr cheese I-

Mr cheese: *hugs him*

The gentleman: oh fine I forgive you

Gnome: *pinches his face*

Gnome: aww I could do this forever

Engineer: ....

Gnome: *cuddles with him*

Engineer: yes?

Bday: *pinches her face*


Bday: only if you calm down

Rose: I'm calm now, will you let go?

Bday: *cuddles with her* I will never let go

Mr cheese: *grabs him by the waist*

The gentleman: mr cheese, please don't drop me

Mr cheese: don't worry

Mr cheese: *starts dancing with him*

The gentleman: *holding on for dear life*

Gnome: *puts engineer on her back*


Gnome: oh I won't do anything silly

Engineer: if I fall there's a 99.999999999% chance of me hurting myself

Gnome: babe don't worry

Engineer: fine.

Gnome: see nothing to be afraid of

Engineer: this is actually fun

Bday: come on rose

Rose: huh?

Bday: picked her up and cradles her in his arms

Rose: what are you-

Bday: sh sh sh sh

Rose: but-

Bday: your my little baby now
(Do you have a hight problem now?)

The gentleman: yes, mr cheese is so happy now that he's taller than me and he keeps rubbing it in my face

Engineer: well being small does have its perks, I can see things I could never see before, but I am very scared somebody will step on me, so I'm mostly on tables

Rose: *trying to be calm* well, bday, has nearly squashed me, so many times. But I do get lots more attention from him.

(How do you feel about becoming chibi?)

The gentleman: I must admit, it is a delightful experience

Engineer: at first I was confused but now I realise, being small and cute is very fun, I get cuddles and kisses from gnome and my knowledge has expanded


And yeah that's all

And once again sorry

687 words

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