Hazelfoxx08 dare

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Gnome: oh it's me!

Gnome: why am I so sad?

Gnome: wait, did I-

Gnome: *looks down at her arm*

Gnome: *sighs*

Gnome: how did you know?

Gnome: well at least my favourite hoodie is engineers hoodie

Engineer: aww you made me a fuzzy sweater


Engineer: *after reading the story*

Engineer: it's very emotional, the story is very detailed in description, and the use of wordplay is just incredible, at least it's a fictional story, neither me nor gnome have self harm-

Gnome: *walks away*

Engineer: gnome, where are you going?

Gnome: I need some time alone

Engineer: if you ever want to talk just tell me, ok? I don't want any secrets

Gnome: ok

Gnome: *goes to her room and rolls down her sleeves*

*she looks at all of her old cuts, she knew she didn't deserve any of them but still felt like she needed to do it, she had never told anybody about it, not even engineer. She felt that this was the thing she should keep from everyone, nobody should have to carry her troubles except her, she didn't want to bother the others after all, she was already annoying enough*

*gnome began to cry, regret eating away at her soul, when she did it it was like her brain had vanished, in cooking class, one of the girls in her class kept calling her names, telling her that she was usless, that nothing she cared about matterd, that she doesn't matter, she should just go kill herself, it's not like anybody would care. without thinking she grabbed the knife, rolled up her sleeve and tore away at her skin. She only stopped because her friend grabbed the knife from her hand, she looked down to see blood splattered everywhere, when she regained consciousness she realised the whole table was looking at her, after that is was a blur, she thinks about it everyday, ever since it happened. She wiped her tears carefully and went to bed early*

Oh god this turned into a whole fanfic lol

344 words

Dares for the among us logic crew *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now