Chapter 2

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Collin's point of view.........

I'm just wrapping up my workout at my home gym when there is a buzz on the intercom. I click on the button and a very angry Brent starts screaming at me over the speakers.

"Collin, you better fucking open this gate now!"

Fuck! I really don't want to deal with his shit right now. I'm pretty sure that he is here to bust my balls for telling Kellie that he has been cheating on her!
I couldn't pretend and continue to lie to her face, when I knew that Brent was cheating on her.
She deserves so much better, and Brent, that asshole, treats her like crap.
I could not go another day without telling her, I care about Kellie too much, to keep lying to her!
So yeah, I knew he was gonna come my way as soon when he realized that I told her.

I hit the button to unlock my gate,
by the time I walk from my gym at the back of my house, Brent is walking up my front steps!

"What the fuck is wrong with you man?  Why did you rat me out to Kellie? You had no right to tell her about Candy!
I trusted you and you went behind my back and told Kellie! That is low, even for you Collin!"

"Look, I'm really sorry that you feel that way, but I'm not gonna sit by and watch you hurt Kellie that way! She deserves better man, certainly a lot more than your lies and deceit!"

"What is it with you and her? Do you have a thing for her?
Is that it?"

Damn, I really didn't think this through! Fuck, Brent doesn't know that I've been secretly hung up on Kellie since the first day I met her!
I can't even look him in the eye right now, he is going to realize just how much I care about her!
I seriously did not think this through!

"Oh my God! It's true, isn't it? You fucking want her for yourself? Don't you, Collin?"

"Look, I'm sorry man, it's not what you're thinking! Kellie and I are just friends, nothing more!"

"Who is lying now, Collin? All this fucking time, you've been trying to get with my woman?"

Before I can reply, Brent is barreling toward me like a raging bull. Before his fist can connect with my jaw, I step to the side and grab his arm and let the momentum propel him, with the flick of my wrist, he lands on the floor on his back.
He is up on his feet again but before he can connect a punch on my cheek, on pure instinct, I block and and hit him on the side of his face.
He cradles his jaw as he stares daggers at me. If looks could kill, well, let's just say that I would be a dead man!

"I'm sorry that you feel that I betrayed your trust, but you should have just broken things off with Kellie if you wanted out, you didn't have to cheat on her!"

"Fuck you, Collin! You think that by telling her that I cheated on her, that she is going to give it up to you?
Think again, that bitch ain't gonna spread her legs for you!"

"Don't you fucking talk about her like that!!!!
Maybe if, I dunno, you treated her right, things would be a lot better between you two!"

"You know what, Collin?  If you want her so much, you can fucking have her! She is a cold, frigid bitch anyway! I'm done with her and now I'm fucking done with you too!"

"Brent, wait! It doesn't have to be this way! You're upset, just take some time to cool off and then we can talk, okay?"

"There is nothing to talk about, Collin! You wanted my woman and now here is your chance! We are done, I suggest you stay the fuck away from me. I don't ever want to see your fucking face again! Some friend you turned out to be!"

Still cradling his jaw, Brent limps out of my door and I guess that is the end of our friendship as well.
I can't say that I'm upset about this situation because, to be honest, Brent is a selfish prick who only thinks about himself! He wasn't wrong either, I do care about Kellie, a lot, more than I would care to admit, but ever since I met her, every part of my being screams that she is the one for me!
I would be honest, I've never been tempted to be in a long term relationship, because I've been focused on my career and getting my life in order.
I've not been a monk either, I hook up with woman regularly, but it's usually just a one night thing because I don't hook up with the same woman twice.
I had a really bad experience at work about six months ago and I've kinda taken a break from hooking up with chics lately!

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