Chapter 23

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Kellie's Point Of View..............

Collin drops me off at work and he heads off to work as well, because he took the day off yesterday, he would definitely be behind with his ongoing projects.
I walk into work feeling relieved, I'm surprised that the library is still standing, I guess Sharon didn't manage to burn the place down!
I really appreciate what she did for me yesterday, but I know I owe her big time because she can't sit still in confined spaces for too long. She has to keep moving.

I walk in and look around, the place seems to have survived hurricane Sharon and I can't help but smile because my mind keeps replaying the events of last night and this morning with Collin.
Who knew, having a man loving you all night would feel so good?
It was so good that even all now, I want more!

I walk over to my locker and put my stuff away then head back to my desk to start my day.  I glance at the schedule, I only have one small group of kids coming in for story time just after lunch.
I get up and walk over to the kids corner because I suddenly remember that I forgot to give Sharon a heads up yesterday about the kids coming in for story time on Friday afternoons. She is so gonna murder me, I decide to text her!

Hey Shar!

You have real patience, Kels! You really do!

Ummmmmm! I do?

Yeah, you forgot to mention that those little rugrats come in for story time, Kels!

Yeah, I'm sorry about that Shar, I forgot!

Well, I am never having kids!

What, why?

For starters, everything they touch is sticky and the sneaky little fuckers put chewing gum in my hair.

Oh my God! You can't be serious, Shar!
The kids I had last week were angels!

So you get angels and I get the spawns from hell? What's not right with this picture here, Kels?

I'm really sorry, Shar!

I'm still trying to get the gum out of my hair. They don't pay you enough to deal with that shit!

Again, thanks for yesterday, Shar!

Everything okay with you and Collin?

Yeah, we are doing so good!

He was really worried about you, Kels!

I know and I'm sorry that I put the both of you through that, but I'm doing much mutter now!

Good, I just want you to be happy!

Thanks again Shar, for everything!
Talk to you later?

You know it!
Laters Kels!

Bye Shar!

I can't but laugh as I try to picture Sharon surrounded by kids, with chewing gum in her hair. That is just so funny!
I sanitize the entire kids section because she wasn't joking, every surface is sticky!
I put out fresh drawing paper and crayons and everything is all set for when the group arrives later.
I get up to head back to my desk and run head first into none other, than Aiden Gibbs!

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