Chapter 16

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Collin pulls into a carpark at the university and puts the car in park.
He shifts in his seat and turns to face me as he runs his hands through my hair.

"What do you have planned for today, babe?"

"I only have Mr. Gibbs class this morning, then my shift at the library until 9pm! Why?"

"I actually have to go on-site after work this evening.
Those clients that I had to meet with on Tuesday, well they liked my design for their beach house, so I have to go out to view their property this evening.
I will try to be back before you are finished at work tonight!"

"Oh okay! Well you drive safely and I would see you later!"

He leans over and kisses me sweetly and I wave goodbye to him as I walk over to my class.

I'm actually about fifteen minutes early for the class, so I take a seat at the back and just read through my paper. I'm surprised when Mr. Gibbs walks into the room a short while later and as he starts setting up his laptop, he seems to notice me sitting in the back left hand corner of the room.

"Ms. Kessler!"

"Mr. Gibbs!"

I ignore him and go back to continue reading my paper. Collin is right, I just need to focus on my work and forget about what Mr. Gibbs thinks of me personally.
I can feel his eyes boring into me, but I refuse to look up and acknowledge his presence.
A few student start to wander into the room and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in. There was tension in the room and as the student talk amongst themselves about their paper, I can feel the tension start to leave my body.

It's very uncomfortable being alone in the sane room as that man. I have always had a good relationship with my teachers, but Mr. Gibbs has this strange ability to make me feel stupid. I don't like that feeling at all!

I make sure to put my phone on silent and stow it away in my backpack, so I don't have a repeat of the last class.
Mr. Gibbs starts his class, I take  as many notes as I can and though his personality may be as interesting as a door knob, his classes are very informative!
Before the end of the class, he puts us all into groups of four, to work together on our next assignment, which we will be presenting, one week from today.
Lucky for me, he places me in the group with the guys that I have been helping out at the library. I'm grateful because I know they will pull their weight with the project.
Too many times in the past, I was placed in groups and had to do all the work myself and the lazy bastards, were awarded good grades for all of my hard work.

"Any questions concerning the new assignment?"

He looks at everyone in class and when his gaze rests on me, he stares at me with such intensity, that I can feel my entire face go red as a tomato.

"Before you leave, please turn in your on my desk! Have a good weekend, people!"

I pack up my stuff and join the line to turn in my paper on his desk. He is off in the corner, talking to a group of girls who all seem to be fawning over him and I breath a sigh of relief as I don't want to have any interaction with him at all.
I quickly place my paper on his desk and turn to make a quick exit.

"Ms. Kessler, if I may have a minute of your time, please!"

"I'm sorry Sir! I really do need to get to work!"

I don't even want for his reply, I practically run out the door. I beat myself up because I lied, I don't have to be at work for another hour, but the man is........Ugh!
I don't even have words to describe him. He already has such a bad impression of me, I just think avoiding him is my best option.
I would simply stay out of his way and he would stay out of mine.
I decide to text Sharon and see if she is free for lunch.
I'm starved as I skipped breakfast this morning!

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