Chapter 15

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KELLIE'S POINT OF VIEW...............

A Couple Days Later

It's Friday, and I'm dreading having to see Mr. Gibbs again. I worked really hard on my paper, hoping that when he reads it, he would realize that I'm not the complete idiot that he thinks I am.
On a happier note, Collin and I are really settling in together, I've spent almost every night this week at his house, in his bed as he took me to newer heights of pleasure every morning and every night. In the short space of time since we started seeing each other, I've come to realize that I have fallen for him.

I love Collin, I know that I do, with my whole heart. The way he makes me feel, the little things that he does, I've never felt this loved and cherished by anyone before. You would wonder, so what about your family, surely they have loved you and cared for you?
The truth is Sharon is the only family that I have left.
My story is not one that I like to talk about too much. My mom was really young when she got pregnant with me, seventeen years old to be exact.
When she told my dad that she was pregnant, he said that he was too young to be a father and he left her.
He took off and she never saw him again.
At that age, she dropped out of high school and got a job as a waitress.
My grandmother would watch me when my mom worked the late shifts.
We had an apartment even smaller than the one Sharon and I share presently, but it was all that she could afford on her minimum wage salary.
My mom worked two jobs to make ends meet.
When I was ten years old, my mom died.

Late one night, a drunk driver knocked her down while she was walking home from work. It was a hit and run. My grandmother took me in and I lived with her until she died when I had just turned eighteen, two years ago.
She died before we even found out that I had won the scholarship to go to university.
It was my dream to make her proud.
Sharon and her family are the only family that I have now.
Sharon has been my rock through all the difficult times in my life, my best friend forever, my ride or die.

I guess that's our special connection, we are both broken in our own ways.
It's why I guess that I'm still a virgin, I didn't want to end up like my mom.
Abandoned, alone and pregnant with a child to raise.
It would take someone very special for me to want to share that part of myself and for a really long time, I really didn't think I would ever meet the right person, until I met Collin.
It's been such a short space of time, but I know that he genuinely cares for me.

Ugh! I hate to think of all the struggles and hardships that my mom had to go through to raise me and I'm so grateful and thankful for all that she and my grandmother did to give me the best life.
I've worked hard in school, to make my mom and grandmother proud of me, wherever they are.
I always cry when I think of them, which is every single day, but I do my best to be strong and make it through each and every day and I do it all for the both of them.

Last night, I stayed at my apartment because I needed to spend some time alone. I know how I feel about Collin, over the past couple of days, I literally had to stop myself from telling him that I love him.
I'm just afraid to get hurt, I have that insecurity, that stupid voice at the back of my mind that says that I'm not good enough.
It's stupid, I know, Sharon tells me to stop feeling and thinking that way about myself, but I can't help it, it's there!
It's one of my biggest flaws and I hate it!
Sharon suddenly bursts into my room and jumps on my bed.

"Hey, what's going on with you?"

"Not much, just really dreading seeing Mr. Gibbs today!"

"Ah, Profesor Douche!"

"Yeah, about that, I really could murder you!"

"What have I done, this time?"

"He heard you!"

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