Chapter 3

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Three Months Later..........

Kellie's Point Of View

It's been three months since Brent and I broke up. I haven't seen or spoken to him since that day he stormed out of my apartment. I've had quite a lot of time to think and put things into perspective, especially where my feelings about Collin are concerned.
I've seen Collin a few times since the break up but we have mainly kept in touch via What's app.
We have actually gotten quite close over the past few months, if anyone can believe such a thing. We talk to each other daily and I have learned quite a lot about him.
We talk about everything and anything and I feel like I know him better than I know myself. Now, more than ever, I'm excited to see where things can go with Collin!

I haven't had much time to spend with Collin as I've been swamped with deadlines for assignments and projects, plus studying for final exams. It's been a bit overwhelming, juggling both school and work, but I know that it is all worth the sacrifice. I worked really hard in high-school and I was awarded a full scholarship, but I'm still responsible for my living expenses, hence the reason I have to work.

Finals are officially over and I spent the early part of my morning signing up for summer classes. I really wanna reduce my workload for next semester because I'm trying to graduate early so that I can start living my dream!
My dream is to work hard, earn my degree and get a job doing what I'm most passionate about, Event/Wedding Planning!
I know that a lot of people think that I'm wasting my time, even Brent insisted that nobody would hire me for that foolishness, but it's my dream and I would never give up until I succeed!

Thankfully, I make it back to the library in time for my shift. I love working at the library, the musty smell of the books, the history and the different worlds that exist between those pages, just waiting to be explored and discovered.
To me, it's like an adventure, you open the cover of a book and you just never know where you will end up, where the author will take you, to a fantasy world, or better yet, a journey back in history.
I love spending time at the library and I love helping others find the material they need to complete assignments or even just assisting them with their projects.
I've even been able to make a few extra dollars tutoring a few students who seem to be having difficulty keeping up with the hectic workload of various courses.
I'm occupied helping some guys find the books they need for a group project when my phone vibrates in my back pocket.
As soon as I get back to my desk, I check my messages.
I have a message from Sharon!

"Hey girl! Exams are finally over! What do you say about going out tonight and having some fun?"

"Yeah, it's been months, Shar!
We need a break from all the stress!"

"Fabulous! I have just one more hour to go at work. I will meet you at home and we can decide what we are gonna do to celebrate exams being over, tonight!"

"Sounds like a plan! Will see you at home in a bit!"

About two hours later, my shift is finally over and I don't have to work till Tuesday evening. I'm walking down the steps of the library while sending a text to Sharon to let her know that I would be home in a few minutes, when I walk head first into a wall, or at least I thought it was a wall, until strong arms reach out to hold me steady and keep me from tumbling down the rest of the steps.
I look up in to the most handsome face I've seen a while, well, except in my dreams! I'm lost in the warm, molten chocolate of his eyes and I've gone completely senseless!

"Hey Kels! Are you okay?"

"Collin, hey! Yeah.........I'm fine! As usual, I wasn't watching where I was going! Wow!!!
Wh......What are you doing here?"

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