Chapter 6

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Kellie's Point of View.........

I come awake suddenly when i hear the front door open and close.
Looks like Sharon is home!
What time is it anyway?
I glance at my alarm clock and it's just after noon. Collin is still asleep beside me, his arm rests possessively around my waist and it's like he senses my movement in his sleep because, he pulls me closer.
Hmmmmmmm, my mind replays what happened between us last night and I can't help but blush.
I'm totally lost in my thoughts when my bedroom door suddenly bursts open!

"My God, Kels! That Adam is a good fuck! He is the best I've ever had! I swear, I can still feel him inside me! He has a fucking monster cock!"

"Well that is certainly some info I could have gone without hearing!", Collin says from beside me.

"What the fuck? I'm so sorry, I didn't realize that you had company Kels, seeing as you never, ever , have company!"

"Oh my God, Sharon!"

"It's true Kels!!! Oh My God!!!!
Did you finally have sex? Is he good?
I told you he would be good, didn't I?
Was I right?"

"I'm lying right here, Sharon, in case you didn't notice!", Collin deadpans.

"Oh My God!!! Get out! Get out! Get out!!!"

"Geez, a simple yes or no would suffice!"

Sharon closes the door and comes back in almost immediately, with my shredded panties from last night in her hand!

"Oh my God, Kellie!!!!
Collin is a fucking animal in bed! He seriously ripped your panties to shreds trying to get to that pussy huh?"

"Again, I'm lying right here, in case you didn't notice, Sharon!"

"Well I hope you were gentle with my bestie you animal, it was her first time, if you did not know!"

"I'm so going to murder you, the minute I get out of this bed Sharon!"

"So Kels? Was I right? He was really good, wasn't he?"

"Oh My God!"

I grab a book off my night stand and launch it at her head, but she ducks and it crashes against the door frame.

"Fine! Be that way Kellie! I know when I'm not wanted!
Besides, I need to take a hot shower! I could barely walk straight!"

With that she leaves the room and closes the door and I throw the pillow over my head in shame.
I can't believe we just had that conversation, with Collin lying right there!
I mean Sharon has no filter but come on, don't say stuff like that, not in front of Collin!
He is surely gonna think that we are a bunch of crazy people now for sure!

Collin starts to laugh as he tries to get the pillow away from me.

Collins Point of View...............

"It's okay babe! There is nothing to be embarrassed about!"

"Yeah forgive me if I don't believe you right now, Collin!"

He pulls me on top of him as he continues to laugh.

"Come on Kels! It's funny!
You have to admit that she is hilarious!"

"I'm accustomed to her behavior and I know that she can be a bit much. You're practically a stranger and this is how she behaves?
Oooohhhhhhhhh!!!! Just shoot me now!"

"I just think that she is funny babe!"

I can see that she is mortified, but I really love teasing her!

"So Kels? Sharon told you that I would be really good in bed, huh?"

"Jesus!!! I was hoping that you didn't hear that part!"

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