Chapter 8

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Collin's Point Of View................

I got to work early this morning because usually we have back to back meetings with department heads and staff, to bring everyone up to speed on what's planned for the week ahead.
Basically, to make sure everyone is on schedule and would definitely complete projects before the deadline dates.
This morning, however, I feel like I'm stumbling along because my mind is on Kellie. I just can't believe that she is mine, that she agreed to be my girlfriend.
I feel like a kid on Christmas morning!

I sent her a few texts this morning and I really can't wait to spend some time with her after work. I want her all to myself, so I'm going to take her back to my place and we can have a nice intimate dinner together.
I'm relieved when we break for lunch so that I can just go to my office and have a few minutes to myself.
As I sit behind my desk, my assistant, Sarah, walks in and tells me that I have someone waiting to see me.

I'm genuinely puzzled because we don't schedule meetings with clients on Mondays due to internal office meetings.
She looks at my confused expression and smiles and tells me that it is just Adam.
I'm even more surprised that he would just show up, when he knows that Mondays are insane for me at work!
He could have just as easily called or sent me a text.
It must be important for him to just show up here like this!
I tell Sarah to go ahead and send him in!

"Collin, hey, thanks for seeing me!"

"Sure! What's up, man?"

"I know that you are busy but I just needed to talk to you!"

"Sounds serious! Everything, okay?"

"Yeah, everything is fine! It's Sharon, man! I can't seem to stop thinking about her!"

" I can relate! I've been having the same issue as well! I can't seem to get Kellie off my mind for two seconds to be able to concentrate on work!"

"You and her a thing, now?"

"Yeah! I'm really happy, Adam! Fir the first time in a really long time, I'm happy!"

"I know what you mean! Sharon and I, we just clicked and I want to pursue whatever this is with her but I'm afraid, man! I don't want to get hurt again, Collin!"

"Sharon is Kellie's best friend and all I can tell you is that she is very straight forward. No games with that one, what you see is what you get! She is very loyal and funny as hell!"

"That she and it's very refreshing being with her.
I know exactly where I stand with her, she is very honest about her feelings, no bullshit! I'm sick of these chics playing games, man!"

"Look, I know that your last relationship ended badly! Sharon is different and don't let that bad experience ruin something that could be just what you're looking for!"

"I know what you're saying is true Collin, but I'm at that stage in my life where the meaningless sex is just not fulfilling anymore! With Sharon, the sex was off the charts but I also feel like I want to give a relationship a try with her!"

"I can't tell you what to do but I will ask you this. What does your heart tell you?"

"My heart?
My heart says give it a try with her, we connected and it wasn't just the sex, although that's an important part of any relationship. It's how I feel when I'm with her, it's strange because we just met, but she challenges me in every way and as you know, there is a part of me that no other woman seems to understand, but with her, she accepts and embraces that side of me!"

" I think you already know what you want, Adam!
Sharon isn't seeing anyone, so give it a try!"

"Yeah, I guess you are right!"

................knock knock knock..................

Sarah steps into my office with a couple of drinks and sandwiches, along with some files that I'm gonna need for my next meeting.
She lingers in my office a bit longer than necessary and her attention is completely focussed on Adam!
I can't help but smile because she has had a huge crush on Adam forever and yet he is absolutely clueless about her feelings.

"Adam, you hungry? Grab a sandwich man!"

"Thanks, I appreciate it. I kinda skipped breakfast this morning!"

"Sarah has a thing for you!"

"Really? She is not my type man! She would be able to handle me sexually!"

"Yeah, you're attracted to the crazy ones!"

"Nah man! Not many women can keep up with me in the bedroom! Sharon is the only woman I've been with who can handle me with ease!
So? You and Kellie, huh?"

"Yeah man! It's official! Thank God!"

"You've been in love with her for how long now?
What does Brent have to say about you hooking up with her ?"

"Honestly I don't give a fuck! He stopped talking to me about three months ago!"

"I bumped into him last week with what's her face.....Candy!
He certainly has his hands full with that one! He didn't seem quite like himself though, he looked miserable and stressed out!"

"Whatever man! Those two deserve each other!"

"I can't believe that you were friends with that asshole for so long! What was up with that, Collin?"

"Honestly, I only hung around him to be closer to Kellie!"

"I never would have thought that my best friend was a fucking stalker!"

"I didn't stalk her and you know it!"

"I'm just teasing you man! Anyways, thanks for lunch but I need to get back to work!"

"Yeah, I have a meeting to get to myself! I will be in touch, maybe we can take the girls out again this weekend?"

"Sure, sounds like a plan!"

"Later man!"

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