𝟸𝚗𝚍 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛

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"Fine and now tell me how you aren't you completely sweety nor wet from showering. And how come that you are actually dressed tolerable?" Iwaizumi asked the now nervous Makki. "I forgot to and I just grabbed some stuff out of the closet as I heard you ringing so I don't really know what I picked" this answered. "You never forget to work out. Well for everything there is a first time. Anyway, what were you doing? Did you write with some cute boy because you definitely didn't study for school?" the now curious Iwaizumi dug deeper. Makki was confused and didn't even try to hide it.

Wasn't he straight? Or am I just dumb? I shouldn't have assumed.

As Makki wanted to answer with some plain 'no', Iwaizumi responded "I'm just kidding. You know how no one in the actually believes that you're straight but that's okay. Take your time until you finally get bored of the coat hangers"

This statement made Makki chuckle slightly so he quickly covered his mouth but it was already too late. Iwa saw it and of course, he told the whole group chat that 'Mattsun the not so straight' laughed about a gay joke. Additionally, Iwaizumi told them that he was dressed nicely.

Of course, I couldn't even last 5 minutes pretending to be straight. I was out of the closet for way too long. Just say that you informed yourself bout this topic so they don't make jokes I don't understand and that's how I spend this morning. How am I so smart, oh my god, it's perfect

"Normally, we wouldn't make such a big deal out of something like this but you never understand one", the still laughing Iwa said. "If you want to know so bad, I informed myself about some basic lgbtqia+ language so you guys don't make jokes I don't understand. That's how I spend this morning. There is so much that I needed to learn so it took more time than I expected and I'm still not finished", Makki answered, leaving a shocked Iwaizumi. "But you always said that you don't need to know about this kind of stuff because you don't use it", Iwaizumi asked. "And you once said that you were straight", Makki argued. "You said that you would forget about it", Iwa said in a whiny voice. It was a very sensitive topic for him and normally Mattsun didn't bring it up to spare the smaller but today he did. "I'm sorry but we all denied the truth at one point or another. As long as you are true to yourself, everything is fine" "Wow. That was very deep coming from you. Normally you just joke around the serious issues. This is a completely new side of you, I like it" Iwaiumi stated. He was still shocked. In all the years he knew Mattsun, he never saw this side of him.

"I'm glad to hear that. Don't wonder about this, I'll change a bit and try to be better. A better friend, student, son and stuff like that. I just overthought and questioned my whole life, last night haha" Makki replied, searching for a way to get out of this situation.

I will definitely behave differently from Mattsun. It won't take long until the others realize that I'm not their real best friend. My best way out of here will probably be to find out as much as possible about Mattsun so I can take his place as long as it will take us to switch back. What happens afterwards is his decision. It won't matter. He can tell them about this or not. I won't care.

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