𝟷𝟺𝚝𝚑 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛

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After Makki got to the others, Inuoka asked, "Who was that?". "A friend of mine, I made on the internet", Makki responded. "Are you sure he's just a friend?", Iwaizumi asked. "Oh yes. We are just platonic. I could never", Makki responded. Towards Iwaizumi he added, "But I think you're his type and he is yours". This made Iwa blush. "How do you want to know what my type is?", Iwa asked. "Brunette, pretty boy, twink energy. Clingy as fuck but really nice and lovely", Makki responded and Iwa's blush deepened.

Maybe this guy is my type but how does he know? I never told him, did I?

Are we ignoring that Mattsun met a queer friend of his on the internet and they were meeting at Pride and that he knows the term twink and actually used it?" Inuoka asked after a while of silence. "Yes, yes we are", Ennoshita responded. 

After a while, they all went home. Yet, Makki couldn't help but think about his encounter with Oikawa. Oikawa knew about the switch because Mattsun told him. 

Maybe I should have told his friends as well. It would have been the right thing to do. But would they have accepted me and become friends with me if I did? I don't think so. They would've acted differently and wouldn't have been that open and trusting. It wouldn't have been the same way. 

I really enjoyed the time with them and I would lie to them again if it would mean that I got to make those great friends. 

I don't think that they would still like me after they found out. I lied to them after all. Yet, I hoped they wouldn't care. I needed it to be that way. I couldn't lose them. They were my closest friends after Oikawa. In those four months, they really grew to me and I started to love all of them. Platonic, of course. 

I knew that I was probably able to spend more time with them and maybe even explain it to them but something told me that Mattsun and I would switch back soon. 

Bodyswitch, MatsuHanaWhere stories live. Discover now