𝟸𝟹𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛

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Some time has passed since Makki and I picnicked together. After that day, we met at least 10 times and every day was just great. Spending time with Makki was amazing and it felt like he was completing me. Not really me but the empty spot behind my heart which I saw as some kind of soul. From time to time I felt like this spot was empty and it would hurt me emotionally but since Makki was there, I never felt it. In his presence, I often felt as if this spot was radiating warmth and I really liked this feeling.

Was this love? Was this the way how falling in love felt like? Because if it was, I wanted to be in love with Makki for the rest of my life. It felt amazing and I couldn't even imagine how amazing it would feel when Makki and I would date. If we would date. The chances that we both liked each other were pretty low but it was possible. He was gay so I definitely had a chance. I just needed to hope that he really liked me back and to find out if he did, I would need to confess. Maybe drop some hints before. But in order to do that, I would need help and I already knew who would gladly help me. Iwa. I couldn't possibly ask my mother, it would be weird.

I told Iwa that I wanted to meet up and talk to him and he immediately came over. My mother wasn't here today so she couldn't eavesdrop.

"Hey, you wanted to talk, right? Did you finally realize that you aren't straight and madly in love with Makki?" Iwa said after he entered. I knew that he was only joking but I still felt called out. He summoned pretty much everything I wanted to tell him.

After I kept quiet for a while, Iwa realized that he was actually right. "Oh my gosh, you do, you, oh my gosh, I can't believe it, I was just joking but, ahhh," Iwa stated and I just nodded. I was kind of overwhelmed with what was happening.

"Tell me everything," Iwa commanded. "There is nothing much to say. I just realized that I fell for Makki and now I don't know what to do," I responded. "First of all, cool, I support you, second, of course, I'll help you and third, what is your sexuality then?" Iwa said. "Thank you and for my sexuality, I don't really know. I don't want to label myself, I just love who I love and the rest doesn't matter," I replied. "okay. Well now let's get to the advice. I would first tell him that you aren't straight so he knows that he has a chance if he likes you back and maybe drop hints that you like him," Iwa said. "I kind of assumed that but thank you. Do you know how I could drop hints?" I responded. "You could meet up with him more and tell him how much he means to you. Also, cuddle or some stuff like that. I'm not really sure, Oikawa just asked me out and I agreed and that was it so I have no idea, sorry," Iwa replied. "Thank you, it was at least something. I will try to," I said and Iwa nodded.

For the rest of the day, Iwa and I talked a bit and I showed him a recipe Makki showed me. I also told my mother how I loved Makki as I wasn't good at keeping secrets and she told me that she supported me. I was glad to have friends and family like this.

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