𝟾𝚝𝚑 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛

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"I hate her, Makki said after the lesson. "We already know that", Kyotani answered. "What did I do wrong? Shouldn't teachers treat all of the students the same?", Makki asked. "There are a lot of reasons. First, you are her worst student. You just can't do maths but that's fine, we still love you", Inuoka started. "But I tried to be better. What did I do wrong today? I got everything right and all she does is complain. Shouldn't she be happy that I am no longer her worst student?", Makki replied. "True but she just doesn't believe you. Besides, there is the fact that you rejected her daughter", Ennoshita added. Everyone else agreed. 

For the rest of the day, Makki felt like the teachers couldn't believe that he actually knew what he was talking about and paying attention to the lesson. It bothered him. 

Wow. So the teacher of my favourite subject hates my guts and everyone thinks I'm dumb. I know that I should try to act like Mattsun but my whole life I got underestimated and called stupid names for being who I am. I'm tired of it. I'll just do whatever I want to. The others can think what they want for all I care. 

After the lesson ended, his friends went home and he went to the room his mathematics teacher told him to go to. He arrived only to see three of his teacher, talking about something, most probably him. 

After Makki arrived, he had to hand in his phone but just reminded his teacher that she kept his phone. He had to put everything away as well so he just sat there with some paper, his pen and calculator. The teacher gave him his exercises and he did all of them in less than half the time, they planned for it. The teacher just gave him more and more papers, him doing them one after one, barely using his calculator. 

When he was finished, the teacher was still correcting his first exam. 

"What was that about?", Makki asked but the teacher just told him to go home and come back to her tomorrow. Makki just shrugged it off and went home. He got greeted by Iwa and Matssun's mother discussing. He sighed and just went into his room, blasting some music through his ears. 

What is wrong with this school? 

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