𝟽𝚝𝚑 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛

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As they continued the lesson, the teacher ignored Makki's raised arm. He got really annoyed and just made some random exercises in the book, still concentration on the lesson. His bank neighbour just looked at him confused but Makki just ignored it. While doing all this, he still had his arm raised. 

At some point, the teacher snapped, "Matsukawa, how often did I tell you that you should just go and not interrupt my lesson". This left Makki shocked. 

What does this teacher have against me? What did I, or more Mattsun, do wrong? 

"So I should just stay up without asking an-", Makki started but got cut off by the teacher, "Yes! How often do I need to tell you this until you finally remember?". Makki just raised an eyebrow before standing up and going to the whiteboard, solving the equation by heart.

What confused him was that the teacher now looked at him as if he did something wrong again. "Can you please tell me what I did wrong because I have no idea. Why can't you accept that I got something right?", Makki snapped. The teacher just laughed, "You. You can't do math. That's something, everybody here can tell you". 

"And what is that", Makki asked, pointing at the flawless solved equation. The teacher just tsked, "Go sit down, nobody allowed you to stand up". Makki wanted to tell her how she just did but decided to just go back to his seat. 

The teacher continued to ignore him for the rest of the lesson and by the end of it, he had already finished the first two chapters of his textbook. 

Why is she so arrogant? This question circled in Makki's head for a while now. This teacher seemed to hate his guts. 

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