𝟷𝟻𝚝𝚑 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛

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~ three months before~

Mattsun pov

I woke up due to someone splashing water on my face. I assumed that this someone was Iwa because my mother would never do that. But when I opened my eyes, I saw a brunette boy who definitely wasn't Iwa.

"What the fuck, where am I?" I stated. "Makki, come on, don't play dumb. You need to make breakfast and after that, we need to go to our job in the Café. And now hurry," the boy replied. I was more than confused but decided not to say anything. I just went to the kitchen and started to make some fried eggs. They were easy, right?

It tuned out that they weren't. I burned the eggs and when this random guy walked back in the kitchen he started to throw salt at me, yelling something along the lines "Stop possessing my best friend, you demon".

"Okay, what is wrong with you? First of all who are you? Second, where are we? Third, I am not your best friend because I don't know who you are so if you would please stop throwing salt at me," I snapped and he really stopped. "You're not possessed, you are an alien," the boy concluded and I resisted the urge to punch him. What was wrong with him?

"I am not an alien nor possessed. I am Matsukawa Issei and I have no idea who the fuck you are or where we are," I stated and he seemed to understand while I was still clueless. "I think you switched bodies with my dear best friend Hanamaki Takahiro," the boy said and for the first time, I looked at my body just to realize that it wasn't my body after all. "That makes sense, thank you. But what am I going to do?" I asked. "You'll live his life. Basically, you just work and live here. Mondays till Fridays you have an office job and on the weekend the two of us work at a Café. Pretty simple. The office job is just typing some stuff on a computer. You couldn't possibly mess up," the guy responded. "Okay, I think I'll be able to do that but don't you go to school?" I asked. "He graduated a while ago cause he is smart, smart," he answered. So I switched bodies with a genius? Great.

"By the way, you don't have to worry about anyone finding out. Makki doesn't have friends besides me, his family doesn't talk to him and he doesn't have a boyfriend at the moment so you're kind of lucky," the brunette stated. I wanted to ask why but I could already imagine why. He was probably gay and his parents homophobic so they kicked him out. I hated people like this, queer people were as normal as straight ones so why did they get treated differently?

"Let's go, we have a job to do," the guy said and I quickly put some clothes on and followed him. "By the way, what's your name?" I asked. "It's Oikawa but Maki calls me Toru so you should as well," Oikawa replied. "Okay, you could tell me a bit about Makki while we're walking, I don't want to make any mistakes," I said and Oikawa started talking about his friend.

I learned that he was a really nice person and that he, just as I expected, got kicked out as soon as his parents found out he was gay. What surprised me was that he knew when he was seven. I still didn't know if I was attracted to females. I knew that I've never had a crush on one but I never felt something like this towards a male or a person in general so I always said I was straight because I didn't know which label would fit. Maybe experiencing the life of someone who was gay would help me to figure everything out. I really hoped it would.

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