𝟷𝟷𝚝𝚑 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛

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Another day when Makki spent time with Mattsun's mom, Iwaizumi and the others met. They all knew that something was up but they didn't know what exactly happened. They just assumed that Mattsun lost his memory but they weren't sure how it was connected to the other things. 

"Let's talk about things that never happened and see his reaction", Ennoshita suggested. "Yes and we could use the lie detector", Inuoka added. He really liked this thing and they always wanted to try it out but Mattsun always refused to. Maybe they could finally get him to tell them the truth. 

As said so done. Iwa called Makki, telling him to meet them at Iwa's house. Makki already found Iwa's address on Mattsuns phone so he quickly went there. The others were already there, waiting for him. Makki was really nerovus. 

What if they know? I wasn't very careful at hiding it. Fuck, I knew I should have been more careful. Now they'll figure out and hate me. Why am I so stupid? 

They talked for a while. Makki was really nervous and insecure about what he was saying while the others talked about things that never happened. Makki believed them and just went with it, making the others realize that he really lost his memory. Actually, it wasn't quite that way but they would never think of a Bodyswitch. Not until someone told them. 

"We wanted to play some truth or truth with our beautiful lie detector", Inuoka said after a while. The others could tell that he was already bored. He wanted some action while the others wanted to know what happened to their friend. Everyone agreed so Makki did as well. He was curious about the others. 

First, Enoshita started. He automatically targeted Makki. They always started with this one question, "Are you straight". Makki didn't know how to respond because he knew that he was but also that Mattsun wasn't. He decided on lying, "Yes, I am". The lie detector beeped and everybody gasped. Even though they all constantly made jokes about Mattsun no being straight, they never expected him to actually be queer. 

"I think this thing is broken", Makki said after a while of silence. He already came up with a backup story. This plan could reveal the truth but it could also give him a cover. The others would indirectly decide. 

"Sure", Kyo just commented, ironic, of course. "Prove it then", Iwa said challenging. That was exactly what Makki had hoped for. "Okay. I'll just tell some lies", Makki said and place his hand back on the lie detector. "I have pink hair and my parents kicked me out when I was 7. Furthermore, the parents of my best friend died in a car crash. He's not with us right now, neither of you knows him. I am a vegetarian and gay. Oh and I work full-time because I finished school two years ago.", Makki stated. He could see the others looking at him more and more confused the more he told them. Throughout the whole process, the lie detector didn't beep. 

"So the lie detector doesn't work for him", Ennoshita concluded. "Told you", Makki said and with that, they didn't try further. Still, Iwa wanted to try out something, "I actually think it's the opposite. If you lie, it says you told the truth and if you tell the truth it says you lied. I have one last question". Makki, of course, knew that it was possible for them to conclude that so he just went with it. He couldn't refuse anyway. 

"Did you lose your memory?" Iwa asked and as Makki responded with "no", the lie detector stayed quiet. With that, everybody silently decided on which truth they wanted to believe, the wrong one. 

Bodyswitch, MatsuHanaWhere stories live. Discover now