𝟻𝚝𝚑 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛

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"Somethings's up with him", Ennoshita said after Makki left. "Yeah, he's acting weird since this morning", Iwaizumi agreed. "What do you guys think happened?", Inuoka asked. "I don't know. He said that he overthought everything last night and will act differently the next time but I don't think that this is what actually happened. He forgot everything besides some basic information. He didn't even know how to get here", Iwaizumi said. "Maybe he went through a heartbreak or some other realization", Kyotani said. "No, he was completely fine and happy. He's just another person. I like this new version but I want the old Mattsun back", Iwaizumi said. "Yeah, he talked a lot today and was way calmer and more reflected than before", Inuoka agreed. "What should we do?", Ennoshita asked. "We can't do anything, we'll just tell him that we're here when he needs help and maybe I'll ask his mother if she knows anything. I'll talk to him tomorrow as well", Iwaizumi said. "Thnks. Inform us if he allows it though", Enoshita added. He wanted to help the other if this needed it.

"Hey, Mattsun. Do you know where the Zucchini is?", Mattsuns mother asked Makki. "I cooked something with it today", this responded. "Okay, I just-, wait, you cooked?", Mattsuns mother asked. "Yeah, I did. Iwaizumi was with me", Makki aswered. "But neither of you can cook", Mattsuns mother argued. "I can", Makki said emphatically. "I hate to break it to you honey but you can not cook", Mattsuns mother answered. "I can cook", Makki responded. "Okay if you say so. Then cook us something nice for dinner", Mattsuns mother said, a winning smile on her face. "Sure, what do you want?", Makki asked, nothing on his facial features changing. The smile from the woman in front of him immediately dropped and was replaced with curiosity.

Makki made some basic gnocchi with self-made pesto which was really delicious. This confused Mattsu's mother even more so that she called Iwaizumi as Makki was in his room, doing homework.

"Hey Iwaizumi. Did you notice the change in Mattsuns behaviour? Today he offered to cook. He hates cooking because he is really bad at it. And right now he's doing his homework, like actually doing it. Did something happen?" Mattsun's mother asked. "Hello to you too, Matsukawa-san. We actually hoped you could help us. We don't really know what happened but he was really off today and also forgot some things. He also behaves differently", Iwaizumi replied. "Oh, that is weird. I hope he'll get better soon and I'll talk with him about this tomorrow. Please inform me if you guys find out something and have a nice evening", Mattsun's mother said. "Of course, please tell me if you find out something. We're all concerned about him", Iwaizumi said before hanging up.

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