𝟷𝟿𝚝𝚑 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛

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Mattsun pov

Makki didn't tell them that we switched bodies. I wouldn't have either if I'd be put into his shoes. They all said that they didn't blame Makki and I didn't either. But Makki would probably be scared that they would hate him now. I thought that they would hate me as well because I didn't contact them but luckily they didn't. They didn't mind at all and also thanked me because they found a new great friend. 

The only problem was that they now, especially Iwa and Inuoka, started to say that Makki and I were soulmates and destined to be together. I wouldn't be able to convince them that Makki and I weren't destined to be together so I didn't even try. I didn't have a good argument against it anyway. 

After we met up with our friends, Iwa and I walked home together. He decided that he would drop me off at my place. He probably wanted to talk to my mother about everything that happened because I surely wasn't able to on my own. 

When we arrived, I told Iwa to go to my room while I would talk with my mom. I didn't know how she would react and if she'd even believe me and I didn't want Iwa to watch everything. It would be weird. I just hoped that Iwa would really stay behind. 

"Hey," I greeted. I didn't know what else to say. I haven't seen her in three months now. "Oh hey, would you help me cook Makki?" she asked. "What did you say?" I responded. Did she just call me Makki? "I said if you would help me cook," she stated. "No, how did you call me?" I clarified. "Makki?! Is everything alright?" she asked and in that second Iwa came into the kitchen. He was obviously eavesdropping. 

"Oh, Iwa, you're here. I didn't see you, how are you doing?" my mother asked, changing the subject. "I'm alright but what did you just call him?" Iwa responded. "I said Mattsun, right Mattsun?" she said towards me. "No, no, you clearly said Makki," I argued. Did she know? "can we please talk about this when Iwa is gone?" she asked and it finally clicked. Makki told her about the switch but also that he didn't want Iwa to know. 

"Mom, it's me, Mattsun, Makki and I switched back today and don't worry, Iwa already knows," I said and I could see the relief on my mother's face. "Oh, okay," she responded. 

"So you knew," Iwa stated. "Yes, he told me after that incident with the teacher. He didn't want to keep it a secret but he was scared that you would treat him differently," she explained. "But you didn't know what happened to him," Iwa argued. "I'm an adult, Iwa, adults lie," my mom replied. "You two fooled all of us," Iwa exclaimed and my mother agreed. 

For the rest of the evening, Iwa and also my mom talked about Makki and how perfect of a boyfriend he would be for me. They wouldn't even listen to me when I told them that Makki and I wouldn't date. Maybe we would but it wasn't their decision to make. 

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