𝟼𝚝𝚑 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛

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Today was Monday. That meant that Makki would have to go to school again. He decided to make some sport so the others won't get that suspicious. It was exhausting and he didn't know if he did it right but he felt good afterwards so he decided to try that out himself when he was back in his body.

Luckily, Iwa picked him up so he didn't have to remember the way to school. He remembered it from google-maps but going somewhere, in reality, was different and he didn't know how Mattsun got to school.

On their way, they talked a lot but Makki couldn't help to realize that Iwaizumi asked a lot of personal questions, brought in insiders Makki didn't understand and just seemed to check if Makki was Mattsun, what he wasn't. He just played it cool and tried to answer as little as possible.

Yes! We now have mathematics. It is my favourite subject. I hope it isn't boring though. When I went to school, it was but it'll be better than nothing.

"Do you think you're prepared enough?", Iwa asked me out of nowhere. The confused expression on my face seemed to give him an answer, "You forgot about the mathematic exam, didn't you".

I definitely did. It was just too much with all this stuff here but it was about something pretty easy so I would get an A anyway.

"Yeah, I did. Let's just get it over with", I replied. "I have never seen you that calm before a maths exam. Normally you would try to learn everything last second and still get a D or E", Iwaizumi said and Makki almost gasped.

D, E? Why is he so bad in school. Luckily, I don't go to school anymore, he probably would've ruined my grades. He can't really mess up the office job nor the job in the Caffé.

They went into the class, just to be greeted with the exams already laying there, ready to be written. Those were just small ones and they would have some normal lesson after that. As they started, Makki sighed.

Really? This? I could finish this in 20 minutes.

He ended up finishing after 15 minutes. But the exam was designed for 45 minutes. After Makki checked everything again, not correcting anything, he went up to the teacher, handing her back the test. "Are you serious you want to hand it in that early", the teacher asked suspiciously. "Yeah. By the way, what should I do now?", Makki replied. "You can sit here and make some homework", the teacher answered, not expecting Makki to actually do it. "I'm already finished", Makki answered, making the teacher chuckle. "If you say so. Then please hand me in your homework for mathematics", the teacher asked. She was really surprised when Makki actually walked back and grabbed some papers out of his bag, handing them over to the teacher, "Here you go". The teacher just stared at him in disbelieve but slowly started to look over the answers. They were all correct. "How helped you with that?", she asked. "I did that on my own", Makki said. He was annoyed that everybody assumed he was dumb. "Good joke, if that's the case, you wouldn't mind answering those questions, the teacher asked, handing Makki a piece of paper with some extra exercises on it. Makki just shrugged and went back to his place and did the exercises. After seven minutes, he was back, giving the teacher the paper. "Give me your phone", was the only thing the teacher said. Makki was confused but just went with it and took his phone out of his backpack and handed it over. "Why is it off?", she asked. "I turned it off before the lesson started so I won't get any notification and interrupt the lesson", Makki answered. The teacher didn't seem to believe him. "We'll talk later about this. Please stay here after school, you'll rewrite the whole exam", the teacher said. "Why", Makki asked but the teacher just walked away and collected the other exams, leaving Makki dumbfounded.

What is her problem?

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