𝟺𝚝𝚑 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛

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"Let's take the train", Iwaizumi said. He wanted to look if Mattsun remembered the way to their usual hang-out spot. Makki didn't. He just let Iwaizumi walk them there. "So you don't even remember the way there?", Iwaizumi asked after a while. "I sometimes forget things, you know that", Makki responded. "Yeah but we walked this way about 200 times", Iwaizumi replied. "Let me be", Makki said annoyed. "Fine", Iwaizumi just responded. He didn't have the motivation to do this right now.

After they arrived at a small Café, Makki went up to hug everyone. He never had any friends besides Oikawa so this was something he really enjoyed. Those people would accept him for who he was. They wouldn't stop being friends with him nor pick on him because of his sexuality.

"Did that really happen?", Ennoshita asked. "What do you mean?", Makki responded. He didn't want to say something that would make him even more suspicious. He knew that Iwaizumi was already suspicious so he needed the others on his side. "Iwa would never lie, besides we all suspected him to be gay since forever so it's not a big deal. Let's just accept him and eat something for fucks sake", Inuoka said. He didn't care about this as long as he still was their friend. And he was hungry.

"You guys can eat but Mattsun and I already did", Iwaizumi stated. "What did you eat? McDonald's?", Kyotani asked. "No, actually I cooked", Makki answered making the others burst out in laughter. "Sure", Kyotani said. "No, he's right. That's something that changed as well. He can actually cook", Iwaizumi replied. "Keep joking and I might believe you", Inuoka answered. "We're not joking. I can cook", Makki stated. Is Matssun that bad at cooking? Should I change something about that? Nope, I need to eat healthily.

"He actually is. He changed a lot, look alone at what he wears", Iwaizumi said. "True, anyway let's just order something", Ennoshita said and everyone agreed.

As they were talking, everybody noticed that something was up with Mattsun. They didn't say anything though, they wanted to talk with Iwaizumi about it later.

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