𝟷𝟽𝚝𝚑 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛

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Mattsun pov

For the next months, I continued living Makki's life and started to like it. It wasn't hard and I learned a lot of new things that could be useful in the future. Besides everything I learned from the job, Oikawa taught me how to cook. He wasn't as good as Makki was, according to what he told me, but he was way better than I was. I would definitely surprise Iwa and my mother once Makki and I switched back.

Over the last three months, Oikawa and I became good friends. He was someone I could easily talk to and I really enjoyed hearing him talk about Makki. Makki was a really interesting person and I couldn't wait to meet him. Yet, I was scared.

It was finally June, something Oikawa has waited for a long time now. He wanted me to come with him to the pride parade but I was scared to. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to switch back. I missed my friends, of course, I did but this life was easy and it was the same thing every day, it was simple and I started to like that. 

Oikawa saw right through that facade. Of course, he did. "You know, Mattsun, if you don't want to go, you don't have to. I'm not the type of person to pressure people to do something they're not ready to do yet. Besides, we have a whole month," Oikawa said. "I know. I don't want to go just now, I'll just work a little more while you're gone," I replied and Oikawa agreed. "By the way, there is a spot where my friends go every time that they're there, give me your phone and I'll show you," I said when Oikawa was almost out of the door. He quickly handed me over his phone and I showed him the place. Now, I had to wait if Oikawa would meet the others or not.

For the rest of the day, I worked a lot. I somehow needed to get my mind off of the fact that this could be my last day before I switched back. I had a gut feeling it was and I didn't know whether I should like or hate this. On the one hand, I wanted to see my friends again but on the other, I didn't want to lose the new friend I made and face my friends after I didn't contact them for three months straight. They could hate me by now.

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