30. I have wings to fly

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Nandu comes to the hall saw most of the guests are left already.

Arya and ravi waiting for her.

Arya: where have you been?

Nandu:no where? Didn’t you guys planning to go home

Ravi: we are waiting for you

Arya: come we will drop you

Nandu: that’s so sweet

Ravi: come

Nandu about to go with them

Nandu: oh shit. I forget about the gift

Ravi: but ragini mam busy with dinner.

Arya: it’s ok will wait for her to come then we will drop nandu

Ravi: ofcourse. Come let’s have another scope of icecream

Nandu: guys I am feeling so happy now. but It’s almost 11 you both can go home enjoy your weekend.

Ravi: then how will you go, do you have wings to fly

Arya: geez stay away from her. She is rubbing on you.

That’s when raj, mukti and cabir came

Cabir: what happen guys? Don’t you want to go home?

Ravi: nandu had some gifts for ragini mam she wants to give it to her

Raj:but it’s too late, you wont get cab afterwards. Do one thing you both go I will take care of nandini. Cabir will drop her ok cabir?

Cabir: ofcourse I can. You go safe arya.

Arya: ok buddy. Let’s go

Nandu hugged both ravi and arya saying good bye

Cabir: come we will eat ice cream

Nandu and mukti excitedly joins him. Three of them finish the whole ice cream tub.

Manik comes there with ruhi in his arms saw all the ice creams tubs are empty.

Ruhi: no ice cream for ruhi, manu

Manik: cabirrrr

Cabir: shh manik don’t disturb ice creams are sleeping in my stomach

Mukti and nandu rolled their eyes on his comment

Manik: wait nandini what are you doing here? Everyone went already.

Mukti: she wants to gift mom

Manik: ok. How will you go then?

Nandu: see I have wings I will fly from here

Cabir and mukti laughed

Cabir: I will drop her.

Mukti: mom came. Wait I will get your gift from my room

Ragin and neonika surprised to see nandu waiting for them

Neil: where is soha?

Pinky: she went to her room already

Mukti comes with a cover and gave it to nandini

Nandi: happy birthday aunty

Ragini excitedly opens the cover and she saw two gift pack

Ragini: which to open first?

Neo: big one

Neo helped to opens the cover, and it’s a beautiful saree

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