32. Where is nandini?

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Next day morning

All of them are still sleeping because it’s Sunday. But nandu woke up as it’s her habit. She went to the kitchen, made coffee for everyone and kept it in a safe vessel. She saw the time; started making breakfast for everyone (isn’t how daughter in law behaves?)😜

Getting good aroma, cabir woke up first.

Cabir comes to the kitchen silently and sees nandu making something. He thought to scare her from behind before he make ‘boo’ sound nandu turned and kept the knife on his neck🥶

Cabir: relax it’s me

Nandu: I know

Cabir: how did you find out

Nandu: your perfume eating my food aroma. Tell me one thing Cabir, who puts perfume before without bathing

Cabir(giving his sheepish smile): I brushed my teeth.😝😝

Nandu smiled and gives his coffee

Nandu: Breakfast is ready, after dropping me you can eat them

Cabir: why don’t you stay little more, everyone will wake up

Nandu: no cabir, drop me please

Cabir: ok. Is rui sleeping alone in her room?

Nandu: no I made her sleep in Raman sir’s room

Cabir(freaked out little): what, he won’t be

Nandu: come on yaar. She is with her dad not in the neighbor house. Relax he will be happy to his daughter in his arms

Cabir: let’s see

Nandu: shall we

Cabir: wait, I will bring my car key

Cabir is driving the car and Nandu sits beside him.

Suddenly cabir stop the car in jerk take his phone out

Nandu: what happened?

Cabir: I forget message mom, she will search for me

Nandu: aww mumma’s boy🥰

Cabir: ofcourse I am proud to be mumma’s boy. Even manik also mumma’s boy likes me

Nandu recalling night incident started laughing: yeah I know🤣🤣🤣🤣

Cabir about to start the car but stopped seeing Nandu's heavy laughter, seeing her laughing hard, cabir pats her head calm her down then he offers her water. She calms down a little after drinking the water.

Cabir: what happened dear? What makes you laugh this much?

Nandu explained ‘two head ghost scenario’ to cabir; he also laughed and started driving

Cabir: are there any cakes still in his room?

Nandu: maybe 2 or 3

Cabir smirked

Cabir: here we are

Nandu: thanks for dropping me

Cabir: mention not. Bye

Nandu went to her room and slept again (this is what I do in every Sunday)🤫

When cabir returns his home he goes to manik room first opens his fridge takes his fav cake

Manik is still sleeping because he didn’t sleep in night (we know why)

Hearing cabir munching sound manik open his eyes, at the same time seeing manik cabir comes closer to his face

Manik opened his eyes and saw someone's face so close to him.

Manik rolled on his bed see the creature sitting beside him

Manik: what the hell cabir (throwing pillow on his face)

Cabir: good morning my dear bro, how I am looking, two leg ghost (cabir smirked)

Manik: I am not going to leave her today.

Cabir: she is not here

Manik: what? Where is nandini where did she go?

Cabir: to her home obviously. It’s not her home. She asked me to drop her

Manik: I saw your face first in the morning today my day is going to be worst

Cabir rolled his eyes: freshen up and come, nandu made breakfast before leaving

Manik: wait. You are not going to share ‘two head ghost’ to anyone

Cabir: that’s tough. Will try if you share two more cakes with me😁😁

Manik: fine

Manik and cabir comes join with others for breakfast

Neil: where is nandini?

Cabir: she went to her home, I dropped her safely

Neil: cabir you should have asked her wait

Cabir: I did dad. Do you think she will listen to anyone?

Raj: No chance. Manik try this pancakes

Without protesting manik joined them for breakfast

Pinky: thank god she went

Neo: where is ruhi?

Cabir: in raman bhai’s room

Everyone looked him surprised

Pinky: why did you do that cabir, why are you trying to spoil his mood in the morning? If he saw her he will pissed off

Cabir(irritated with her rants): ruhi is with her dad, not in neighbor home

Mukti gave im impressed look

Mukti: guys look there

Raman comes down with sleeping ruhi in his arms. Ruhi’s one hand clutching his shirt tightly and she sucking her thumb

He sits on the sofa remove her finger from sucking

Ragini: should I wake her up

Ramn: I tried. Let her sleep sometime.

Ruhi again puts her thumb in her mouth again Raman removes it again😍😍

Ragin chuckles

Raman: mom you remember, when ruhi was 6 month old, she does the same

Ragini: she didn’t leave this habit yet

Manik smiled comes and picked her slowly

Manik: I will take care of her. You can go and eat

Raman: cabir, where is nandini

Cabir chuckles: you are the 6th person who’s asking the same question. She asked me to drop her in the morning.

Raman: you woke up in the Sunday morning and do you want me to believe it

Cabir: it’s nandu food which disturbed my sleep badly

Pinky rolled her eyes


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