5. Dadi ji?😝😝

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Aunt(Pinky kapoor):

Money minded person, selfish, wants malhotra's name fame and money. She always try to control everyone showing that she is the elder in the family. Shows her fake innocent and caring side to everyone. But in real she is a total bitch. Her plan is make her daughter to daughter in law of malhotra family. She already corrupted raman's mind and suppress ruhi.

 She already corrupted raman's mind and suppress ruhi

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Next day

Its seven in the morning. Neil and raj went for jogging. Younger malhotra kids are in gym. Mukti and ruhi are still sleeping. Nyo and ragini just woke up they are in their room. Aunt pinky is trying to phone her daughter but its seems to be not connecting.

In nandini's room

Its her sleeping time but she is not here. She is not in the kitchen to make breakfast she is not in balcony she is not even in her room. Her room is locked from outside. Then where is she???

In Malhotra mansion

Pinky: oh god what is she even doing she is not picking up my calls. Let's try again

Before she dials again she hears the door bell

Someone in mansion ringing the door bell, first single ring "Ting" then after one sec Again two ring "Ting Ting" after sec three ring "Ting Ting Ting" seems like the person trying to make music using the doorbell ring.

Everyone inside the mansion got irritated by the sound. Except ruhi everyone rushed to the main hall to see that irritating person.

Ragini in mind: who would be the person irritating in the morning they must be crazy suddenly (ragini realized something) Crazy oh god 🤨

Ragini rush to the hall to open the door. Before ragini, Pinky opens the door and saw the reason of their irritation.

Manik cabir, mukti with their mom saw the scene curiously

Watch man: please stop mam. Sir is going to be angry

Girl: Its really fun. She again ring the bell "Ting Ting Ting Ting". Bhaiya you also try this, It sounds cool 😝😝😝😝🤣🤣

Watch man saw the door got open revealing angry pinky

Watch eyed the girl to see the door. Then he ran away

Pinky: who the hell are you how dare to play prank with us............................😠😠😠

Everyone saw Pinky started her scolding session and nandu stood their unaffectedly. She didn't even hear pinky voice she is just checking her top to bottom.

Cabir whisper to manik and mukti: Is she checking her out?

Mukti: who is she?

At the same time raj and neil was back from their morning jogging.

Raj: What is the sound?

Neil and raj saw pinky aunt scolding someone badly. Neil recognized the small figure is nandini

Neil: oh god

Pinky: who hell gave you the permission to enter this house

Before neil say something

Nandini: Namaste dadi ji🙏🙏🙏

Everyone jaw dropped to the ground hearing the word 'dadi ji'👻🤭🙄😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

Arrogant Boss vs irritating PAWhere stories live. Discover now