3. who is manik🤔

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Nandini knocked the door

Neil: come in

Nandini: sir

Neil: nandini no need to knock the door every time. Ok?

Nandu: ok sir

Neil: what is my schedule today?

Nandini: sir you have two meeting today. After lunch you are free.

Neil: oh ok. Then you are also going to attend the meeting with me.

Nandini: me?🙄

Neil: Obviously you,

Nandini: ok sir

Neil. Note everything in meeting. After lunch we will discuss

Nandu: ok sir.

Neil: by the way your coffee is superb

Nandu: thank you sir

Neil: it actually tasted like restaurant coffee. How

Nandu: I used to work in restaurant before as a part time.

Neil: that's nice. You can go and resume your work.

Nandu: ok sir

After 15 seconds Neil heard a bang sound, he saw nandu rubbing her forehead.

Neil: what happen Ms.Murthy

Nandu: why do you have a glass door? In a hurry I just went without opening door and banged my head (still rubbing her forehead)😏

Nandu went. Neil laughed.😂


Nandu: Sir everything is ready for the meeting sir.

Neil: okay

Nandu and neil attend the meeting. Nandu noted every point in her diary

After attending two meeting they went to lunch

Nandu went to neil's cabin and saw someone is already there.

Nandu: who are you how you entered here without permission.

Lady: who are you

Nandu: neil sir P.A

Lady smiled.

At the same time neil entered

Neil: ragini you here?

Ragini: I told you in the morning that I will come

Neil: oh I forget

Hearing ragini nandu whispered 'oh shit'

Nandu: sorry mam I don't know that you are Mrs. Malhotra. I just heard your name but I never thought you would be so beautiful

 I just heard your name but I never thought you would be so beautiful

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Neil: Are you flirting with my wife Ms.Murthy

Nandu: I am just stating the fact Mr.Malhotra

Ragini (in mind): Wow same attitude, now I know why he is impressed

Nandu: ragini mam can I ask you something

Ragini: yes dear

Nandu: you had a child marriage

Ragini laughed: no dear. Why did you ask like that

Nandu: you look so young and beautiful, how you become his wife

Neil: excuse me

Nandu: excused. Mam tell me na

Ragini: thanks for the compliment dear

Neil: did you mean I am old

Nandu: I don't need to tell you that

Ragini: Neil I really like this girl

Neil: and I hate her now

Nandu: but sir what did I do? (innocently blinking her eyes)

Neil: you didn't do anything at all. Now you can go.

Nandu: ok sir, will see you around mam

She fastly went out and banged the door

Ragini: hey are you ok

Nandu: I am fine mam

Neil: it her hobby to bang door. It's her fifth time.

Ragini laughed.

They discussed few things.and ragini came out.

Nandu: you were going

Ragini: yes. It is really nice to meet you

Nandu: same here mam

Ragini: and yeah tomorrow my son manik will come here. Don't interrogate him like you did today. He will get angry.

Some of the staffs also head bout manik arrival. This news went like a fire.

Nandu: ok mam. Take care.

Ragini: bye

Nandu: bye mam

Nandu went to neil cabin

Nandu: sir

Neil: what did you think about the meeting?

Nandu: it went good. If our presentation is good. We can definitely grab this project.

Neil: ok. Then I want you to make a presentation for tomorrow

Nandu: tomorrow?

Neil: yes tomorrow. You had little time. Go and start your work. And don't forget I want everything to be perfect.

Nandu: yes Mr. Perfectionist.

Nandu went

Neil: watch the door.

Nandu opened the door and went safely without hurting her head.

Neil: silly girl

When she about to enter her cabin she heard so many whisper here and there

Girl 1: tomorrow manik sir will come here

Girl 2: yeah I know, this time I am going to impress him

Girl 1: try your luck babe, because he is going to be mine

Girl 2: will see tomorrow

Nandu went to her cabin

Nandu: who is manik🤔🤔 why everyone trying to impress Mr.Malhotra son. Nandu concentrate on your presentation. Tomorrow is very important day.

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