43. I am not scared of her

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Tommrrow is my best friend, soul sister jagajanani29497 birthday. please do send your wishes. 

My dear bangaram this chapter is for you... Be happy always

Happy reading


Everyone settled themselves in main hall, mukti and navya explaining everything happened during the competition

Nyonika: wow that was epic. Did you just splash the water in last minute and won the round

Neil: wait I thought you guys are using waterproof makeup

Aliya: actually yes. We ordered waterproof only. But what we received is not our order. We realized when I started applying makeup for one model

Mukti: at that time, we enquired it; they are saying they send wrong order by mistake. We don't have any time to buy new makeup kits. So we used that only. Thank god it's turned as a fortune

Nandu: I don't think we can complain now, we won the competition using their product only

Mukti: right. But it was really fun today

Ragini: do you guys have a pic; I really want to see,

Sargun: I have, let me show you

Neil: I am just wondering how we get wrong theme in the first place

Aliya: isn't it too obvious. It must be their dirty cheap plan.

Mukti: see this pic, she was supposed to be princess but turned out so scary

Cabir: they are all very bad mumma, you know how much scared I was

Ragini: you are grown up man cabu, why are you still scared.

Cabir: it's not my fault, it's all because of Raman bhai, he showed me scary movie when I was 8

Nandu: here I am (nandu came with the congratulation cake)

Sargun: thank you sweet heart.

Mukti: come let's cut the cake together. (After cutting it into pieces mukti feed nandu first and served others)

Cabir: is anyone want cake

Ruhi: me

Cabir: come we both will finish it together.

At the same time soha and pinky came home from the party little drunk

Pinky: celebration without us.

Soha: my boss arranged grand party for our team for winning today, you know

Dhruv (gritting his teeth): you know your team's theme is also fairytale, why didn't inform us.

Soha: I thought two teams can have same theme

Nandu: this is an important rule; you are the participant who knows nothing about the rule. wait, You are the one who received the post right

Soha: so what now, you guys also won right. Why are you guys making a fuss

Pinky: don't waste your time here, you would be very tired right, go to your room

Soha smirked and left.

Sargun: let bygones be bygones

Nandu: what if it repeats

Manik: don't worry, I raised the complaint already. Hereafter, competitions details only available on their official website

Neil: smart boy

Navya: it's late. We will meet you tomorrow

Nandu: bye bye

Everyone went to their room to take rest

When sargun and navya about to go out,

Cabir: Navya wait

Sargun leaves them alone

Navya: what happen?

Cabir: here take this form, tomorrow can you attend RJ hunt programme, I think it will help you

Naya: it's really great thing. Thank you so much.

Cabir: all the best. I hope you will get selected

Their eye lock broke because of someone's cough

Nandu: I thought you left

Navya: yes I am bye

Nandu: what's going on?

Cabir: you know how to come at the wrong timing

Nandu: Did I disturbed your moments

Cabir without saying anything escaped

Nandu: not bad ah he is really smart

Saying this she went to the garden spend alone time thinking about random things, after sometime she felt so sleepy

Just then she saw someone lying on the ground when she moves closer, she realized it was raman and he is drunk.

Nandu immediately called manik and cabir, asked them to come down

Nandu: I tried to wake him up, he is not responding, is sir ok? Should I call doctor?

Cabir: no need, it's his routine drunkard state, last time he fell on the front gate, now in the garden, I think next time he will be fall in his room

Manik: unbelievable cabir, done with you gossip. And you (Pointing at nandu), no one should know about this...

Nandu: but watchman uncle saw this

Cabir: he meant the people inside of this hose

Nandu: but you and manik are known about this,

Cabir: I mean'

Manik: just shut up, it's waste of time to explain this sleepy girl.

Cabir: go and sleep nandu. Good night

Nandu: good night


Nandu went to the office early, arranged neil's table, and collects all important files for the correction.

In malhotra mansion

Neonika feeds breakfast for ruhi, while others eating their breakfast. Pinky and soha are still sleeping with their hangover.

Ragini: cabir, did you see nandu

Cab: no ma, I think she is still sleeping

Ruhi: nannu go out to office early I saw her in morning. She waved bye to me

Ragini glared neil

Ragini: did you gave her extra work

Neil: what, why are you glaring me, if she goes early how come it's my fault.

Mank and mukti chuckles

Ragini: I don't know if she ate her breakfast or not. I will give you the tiffin box, give it to her

Neil: do I have option

Ragini: no

Neo: I will prepare the box

Cabir: why I am feeling like you adopted nandu secretly

Ragini: not yet.

Neo: we will love to adopt her

Manik: she is not 5 year old kid for you to adopt her. Even though she is very small, she is young women

(reader's pov: please adopt her as daughter in law then)

Ragini pouted

Mukti: you called her small again. If she hears you, then

Manik: not small, I said very small. What will she do I am not scared of her (let's see that)

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