42. H2o power

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Happy Valentine's Day my lovely readers 🥰🥰😍😍😍😍


Nandu searched for room no 17, on the way she was admiring everon's outfit and saw some girls who are in princess attire

Nandu searched for room no 17, on the way she was admiring everon's outfit and saw some girls who are in princess attire

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Nandu (thought): seems like our team already finished their work

Nandu opens the room number 17

Nandu: hey darling

Mukti: babydoll you are late

Nandu: sorry yaar, by the way you guys did great I just saw your models out there they are all so preety

Sargun: what were you saying our models are right there they didn't even got out of this room

Nandu looked around the models felt something wrong then suddenly she grabbed manik's hand and got out

Nandu: carry on guys I have some work

Manik: where are you dragging me

Nandu: I feel something fishy. Can you lead me to the office room

Manik : OK before that care to take off your hands

Manik looked at her and shows their intertwine hands, leaving his hands nandu tooks step away from him

Nandu: can you show me the way now

Manik: hmm

When they both comes to the main hall nandu ran near the notice board

Nandu: oh shit

Manik: what happened

Nandu: we are gone, see here our actual theme is hollowen. Fairytale theme is for s&k team's theme

Manik: someone trapped us

Nandu: come fast we need to alert them


Mukti walks here and there

Mukti: how it happen? Who did this to us?

Sargun: we don't have any time to think about that. What are we gonna do now?

Manik: do we have time to change the costume

Sargun: not at all. Especially holloween theme makeup takes more time

Models also started worried thinking their efforts are going to waste now

Navya: god my head is going to blast now, nandu stop walking around like a zombie, what are you thinking?

She calmly took the water,  Everyone looked at her action surprisingly

Nandini took a water bottle poured it in two glasses, after taking it in her hands she moved near to the models and splash straghight on their faces.

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