25. Small & big hulk🧟‍♂️

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Happy happy new year🎇🎇🎊🎊🎊 😎😎👻👻👻

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In dining table

Everyone astonish to see so many dishes full of table.

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Mukti: is there any food completion going to be happen here.

Neo: south indian and north indian. Wow I am going to explore everything today

Soha: so many things, food is going to waste today

Cabir: when cabir is here why fear. Actually nandini made everything specially for me, and for me, it's doesn't feel like extra, it's enough for me. I will eat all this

Ragini: eat everything you want. No one is going to stop you.

Dhruv: what happen aliya, you don't want to eat all this. It's ok. I will ask for healthy sandwich for you

Aliya: no no. I was thinking what to eat first. Because today is my cheat day

Dhruv chuckles.

Neil: where is nandu?

Nandu: I am here, (with ruhi in his arms)

Raj: join us.

Nandu sat beside raj and manik.

Ruhi jumped on manik's lap.

Ruhi: mani chachu feed me

Nandu: aunty did you like the food.

Ragini: I love it dear. Actually there is someone who can't stop eating.

It was neil and cabir

Nandu: did you like the food cabir sir

Cabir who stuff more food in his mouth didn't listen her words.

Neil: cabir she is asking you

Cabir: dad don't disturb me. By the way I am thinking to appoint nandini as my P.C

Neil: P.C ?

Cabir: Personal chef.

Nandu: wow I got promotion P.A to P.C. if it go like this I will reach P.Z

Neil and cabir rolled their eyes

Manik: your jokes are worst than cabir.

Aliya: so true.

Dhruv: nandini you definitely deserve an award for breaking aliya's diet

Neil: manik pass me the that chicken lollipop and briyani

Nandu: no. as per doc's instruction you shouldn't eat this.

Neil (pouting sadly): then why did you make this. It's mouthwatering

Nandu: well I didn't make it for you.

Cabir and mukti looked at manik who is giving innocent look as if he didn't knew anything at all

Ruhi: I am done. Now I am going to sleep.

NAndu: what, who sleeps after eating heavy lunch.

Ruhi: papa

Nandu: that's a bad habit baby. If you sleep immediately after heavy lunch you will get fat.

Ruhi: like daddy

Nandu: yes like your daddy

Raman: did you just said I am fat

Nandu: oh yes

Soha: do you know how many six packs he have before

Nandu: exactly it's before not now.

Neil controlled his laugh not to make his son more embarrassed. But raman saw it, Raman went to his room.

Ragini pinched neil's hand.

Ragini: why did you laugh? See he went without eating?

Neil; without eating are you serious? He ate half of the table. Did you notice he didn't go with empty hands? He steals my dessert.

Ragini laughed.

Ragini: still he didn't change his habit of stealing desserts

Most of them finished their heavy lunch went to their room except cabir

Manik and mukti sits beside cabir. Both of them hold their hand in head waiting for cabir to finish his lunch.

Manik: cabir don't do vessel wash by your mouth

Mukti: yuck, that's so disgusting.

Cabir: you guys don't know the taste of this.

Mukti: finally you finished, if you eat again you will explode like a bomb.

Nandu and ruhi happily playing hide and seek in the garden

Neil and youngster gang comes from opposite direction.

Nandu with tied eyes searching for ruhi, ruhi runs to cabir

Ruhi: I am here nanu

Nandu goes to that direction with open arms

Nandu: I am coming

Before she finds ruhi she collides with neil and manik

Nandini's let hand on neil's face, and right hand is on manik's chest (height you know)

Nandu using her laft hand pulled neil's nose

Nandu: small hulk

Again she lifts her right hand from the chest to manik's face which he frowned

Nandu: big hulk

Neil removes her blindfold

Nandini withdraw her hands after seeing the hulk faces

Nandu gives her innocent sheepish smile

Neil: I am you boss

Nandu: keep reminding me that sir. Others chuckles hearing that (shuts his mouth once again in her own style)

Aliya: nandu why don't go home and get ready, you just have four hours

Nandu confusingly

Nandu: but I have 4 hours nah

Dhruv: for aliya, a girls needs at least 3 hours to get ready

Nandu laughed

Neil: you must be tired right. go home and take rest then you can come again for party.

Nandu: ok sir. Bye everyone.

Ruhi: bye nanduuuuuuu

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