38. Perfect angry Monster

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At night

As usual nandini crazy mood swings come. She didn't get any sleep so she started roaming in the garden. But not like a normal person, she just walking in circular motion continuously so that her head will get swing and sleep will come running towards her eyes

Damn crazy she is. But her walk stopped hearing someone's shout.

Manik: what the hell man. It's been a week already and you are still finding about the man. I want to know, who is traitor in my office working for that looser harshad. I am giving you just two day.

Nandini: Harshad saxena, malhotra's Rival

Hearing some whispering manik cuts the call turned to see nandini

Nadini comes towards manik but her head started rotating because of new sleeping method of walk. She tripped her legs and started falling backwards. manik walk towards her.

Before manik could hold, nandini falls straight on her butt (who all thought manik will hold her and they share little romantic eyelock... tch, tch, tch I am so evil hahaha)

Nandu: Ouch aiyappa, my back

Without helping her to stand up manik started asking question

Manik: Are you drunk?

Nandu: nandini murthy never drinks. Alcohol is prohibited to my health you know

Manik: then what are you doing on the ground.

Nandu: I want to know how it feels when you fall on the ground. That's what I am doing now

Manik: what?

Nandu: can't you see I am not getting sleep. And I fall flat and hurt my back. Here monster is asking too many questions without helping me

Manik: monster? Who? Did you call me monster? Do I look like that? (he asked furiously)

Nandini: In this night background you are absolutely looking like a perfect angry monster

Manik: you know what, stay there and do your bakwas.

Saying this he went to his room angrily. Nandini lied there for sometime, and then went to sleep in her room.

Next Morning

Raman went to drop ruhi unusually. Others are getting ready for their work, suddenly two uninvited guest enters the villa

Watchman: listen to me sir. You can't enter like this.

Neil asked the watchman to go

Raj: what are you both doing here

Girl: can't I come here uncle. Once upon a time you said, I am always welcome here

Raj: just drop the act and come to the point

Boy: well we are not here to meet you

That's when manik and cabir comes there with happy mukti

Malhotra siblings are shocked to see them here.

Who are they???

Harshad saxena and riya kapoor

Harshad: hey mukti seems like you are so happy today

Riya: of course she would be. She thought to participate in fashion world competition. Right?

Mukti: it's none of your concern. Get out from here.

Harshad: aw you think you can reach your dream forgetting us.

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