27. Ok. Get Lost 😁

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In the kitchen

Pinky searching for the salt

Pinky: oh god where is that salt. I never came into this kitchen, that's why it’s so tough to find it.

Finally she found salt dabba (container). And opens nandu’s hand made cake

She takes container which is full of salt; before she pours it on the cake she opens the lid and tasted it

Pinky: oh shit its sugar not salt. I am not dumb, that’s why I tasted this (she smiled evily). See even god is with me I think. Now I have to search for salt again

She finds salt at the same place she finds sugar. But it has less quantity

Pinky: I wish i will add 1 kg salt in every cake. But now I have just half of my hand and here I have 15 cakes. It’s ok anyway, a pinch of salt is also going to make this worse.

That’s when she hears heels sound.

Voice: what are you doing here?

Pinky shocked hearing the voice then relieved realising who is it

Pinky: soha, what are you doing here(its soha, no one guessed it 😂😂)

Soha: I was searching for you to complain about her,

Pinky: who

Soha: that nandini

Pinky: I am planning for her only

Soha (excitedly): what is this?

Pinky: I am going to add this salt in her cake

Soha: then take more salt

Pinky: I wish, but I don’t know where they kept if we start to search then we will get caught

Soha: ok then we will add this salt in the main cake

Pinky hit her on the shoulder.

Pinky: If we add in only one piece everyone will find out someone add salt deliberately, but we add it in every cake then everyone will blame nandini for spoiling the function

Soha: wow what a plan. I think I should learn so many things from you

Pinky: yeah, now pour this in cake.

Soha: yeah, icing the cake with salt

Three pinch of salt in every cake.

Pinky: now our work is done. Lets go

Pinky and soa left the kitchen.


Manik, cabir arya and ravi chatting randomly

Cabir: So you are from delhi

Ravi: yes. Now I stay in a malhotra apartment, my mom and dad live there. And I love mom a lot

Cabir: aww such a momma's boy like us

Manik smiled at them hearing their conversation

Cabir: any girlfriend

Ravi: not yet. But I don’t flirt with everyone like him (pointing at arya who is flirting with girls)

Arya gives his strong look to the girl near him

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