13. I didn't lie, I just change the words

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manik working with his full concentration.

Nandini is in her cabin working with not so interest. Because she gets bored sitting in the same place especially without talking😣😣😣😣. Because her cabin is little away from others cabin.

She noticed three cabin beside her but its empty. She is watching the surrounding how all the employees are working with full concentration not like her.

Her eyes falls on manik whose full concentration on screen.

She closely watched his moves 🕵‍♀️🕵‍♀️🕵‍♀️how his one hand playing with his pen how his lips twitched

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She closely watched his moves 🕵‍♀️🕵‍♀️🕵‍♀️how his one hand playing with his pen how his lips twitched. She didn't realize how she is checking him out without her knowledge untill manik saw her. Nandu abruptly turned her face to the other side.👀👀

Nandu: shit. Almost caught, that must be really embarrassed if he caught me. What happen to me? Where am I lost? Now I am really bored. Hmmmm Not bad ah. I have a handsome arrogant boss.

Her thoughts stopped when she noticed one of the fashion girl employee entered into manik's cabin,

Nandini: what is she doing there? Chee what is she doing🧟‍♀️

In manik's cabin

That girl entered into manik's cabin give him some file, then acting like asking some doubt bending (trying to show her hotness) towards him. Manik cleared her doubts first

 Manik cleared her doubts first

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Manik: you have so many senior employees to clear this simple doubt. So never come to me first.

Girl smiled nervously: ok sir😳

Manik: and I hope you can stand straight. I will throw out the employees who don't have backbone. Understand

That girl face totally drained out: yes sir😰😰.

Manik: now get out.😡😡

Nandu noticed everything from the start to the end. How that girl tried to seduce him, then manik's angry face, then how that girl ran out of his cabin with sulk face.

Nandu: wow my arrogant boss is not pervert (she smiled to herself)

Her thought interrupted by the ring sound (office intercom)

"Its manik"

Manik: stop smiling like a crazy girl. And do your work. He cuts the call.

Nandini shocked manik rocked.😎😎😎

Manik working on financial data suddenly he heard some bang sound. He lifts his head up to see the source of the sound nandini rubbing her head. Manik got it what would have happen

Chuckling himself he said: are you blind how many times you will bang like this. Some day that door will get broken you know

Nandini: you should worry about my head not the door. (Still rubbing her head)

Manik: why are you here?

Nandini: sir it's 1'o clock

Manik looked at her confusedly🤨🤨

Manik: there is a clock in this room. I have a watch in my hand. And I know how to calculate time. so, for that you don't need to bang yourself on the door every time ok.

Nandini rolled her eyes hearing his sarcastic comment

Nandini: sir it's a lunch time.

Manik: you don't need my permission. You can eat if you are hungry.

She gritted her teeth saying "I am not here for your permission"

Manik: then why are here?

Nandini: sir it's your lunchtime

Manik: I know I am not hungry I will eat afterwards

Nandini: but I am hungry sir

Manik: you can eat your lunch. I am not holding your hands

Nandini: sir I can't eat lunch without you

Manik: what

Nandini: I mean its nyo mam order. I have to make sure that you will eat your lunch fully. And I promise her that I will make you eat.

Manik: you are not my babysitter. I will talk to mom. You go and eat

Nandini: nandini murthy never break promises.

Manik: you are annoying me now.

Nandini: but sir I am very hungry now. If I won't eat then I will become more crazy

Manik in mind: where I am stuck into. I can't handle this crazy girl if she becomes more crazy then I am gone. It's better to eat lunch than handling this crazy girl

Manik: fine. I am coming. But you have to shut your mouth during the lunch.

Nandu: if I shut my mouth then who will eat my lunch

Hearing this manik want to bang himself on the wall.

Manik: I mean, you should not talk while I eat deal

Nandini: deal.

Nandini made him eat fully. As per deal she is controlling her mouth not to talk on the lunch. when they finished their lunch nyonika called manik

Nyonika: hey baby

Manik went away from nandini so that she won't heard their talks

Manik: mom please at least stop calling me like that now

Nyo: you are always my baby manik. Tell me are you still working. How many times I am telling you to eat your lunch on time.

Manik: mom I finished my lunch

Nyo got surprised: wow how that happen

Manik: you made promise with nandini so she forced me to eat saying about your promises

Nyo: what? Say it clearly

When manik explained fully, nyo started laughing.🤭🤭🤭🤭

Manik: mom what happen.

Nyo: our promises are not about lunch.

Manik: what

Nyo: I told you she is too intelligent

Manik: ok mom, bye will see you in evening.

Nyo: bye baby

After the call manik went to nandini

Nandini: what happen sir

Mani: I just talk to mom. She said about your promises. How dare, you lied to me

Nandini: I didn't lie I just change the words.(nandini smirked)😜😜😜

Manik: what

Nandu: bye sir I am going to do my work.

Before manik lashed out on her she went away.

Arrogant Boss vs irritating PAWhere stories live. Discover now