39. I saw the cockroach

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Neil comes to the office, first thing he terminated HR. Praveen and put black mark in his profile. (If you get black remark in your previous job, getting another job is very very tough.)

Neil asked another HR to collect all the information secretly about HR praveen's recruiters who are currently working here

Neil got a call from manik's friend

Friend: uncle, manik is not taking my calls actually, he asked me to find about some information. It's ameer from setffi team. He went to harshad's office yesterday evening

Neil: thanks for the info.

Neil took file of HR Praveen interviews and his recruiters, ameer name was also there.

Neil was lost in his thoughts.

How did harshad become this smart? He bribed my HR and recruited his employees here easily. 5 of my employees are his men. God it's so frustrating.

Nandu: sir

Neil: hmm

Nandu: I am calling you for the 7th time. What happen? Are you ok

Neil passed the file to nandu. She goes through it completely

Nandu: so, what are you going to do?

Neil: I thought to fire all of them what do you say

Nandu: no keep them here.

Neil: why? Give me the solid reason

Nandu: if harshad comes to know we found out his plan, he will think about another plan which we don't know. By keeping them here we can watch their moves.

Neil: what if these traitors share our confidential details to harshad

Nandu: we have to feed the wrong information. Hope you know how?

Neil smirked.


As per the plan, neil didn't take any action n others but kept watching their every moves. And he tried to call manik but it's switched off from the morning. He saw most of the cabin is empty because its 6.30 and tomorrow is public holiday.

Everyone left. But nandini arya and ravi are still in canteen. Nandini shared with them what happen in the morning

Ravi: what is the connection with harshad saxena

Arya: malhotra's and saxeana's had a long term business rivalry. But harshad and manik's rivalry starts from the college but it's gone very personal when harshad tried to use mukti as a prey. It's a long history

Nandu: what about Riya

Arya: as I know, manik and riya started dating in college times. I don't know much what happens in manik's past. But one day I found manik unconscious in his car, I saved him and informed cabir about it. No one knows, but manik always has my back. He does support me without letting me know.

Ravi: actually I heard about 'fashion world 2021 competition' a lot. I do have my friends there. If you want to anything do call me.

Arya: I will also help mukti to win this competition. I know it's her dream.

Nandu: great. I will let you know about the updates. Bye

When nandu was about to call auto, she saw neil sir's car stops there.

Neil: come nandu, anyway we are going to same destination

Nandu (politely): its ok sir. It would be unprofessional

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