2. Is she hot?

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Next Morning

Everyone got ready to start their new day. Ragini and nyonika are arranging the breakfast on the table.

Nyonika: cabir come fast. I made your favorite

Ragini: Muti I made your favorite.

Mukti: just 10 minute mom

Ragini: Nyonika will manik come today for breakfast?

Nyo: Neil is here. You know right how much he respects your husband. So he will definitely come.

Ragini: I made his favorite too. It's been so many days since he talks properly with everyone.

Nyo: I miss my manik.

Ragini: everything will be alright nyo. Come let's call everyone.

Muki: good morning dad.

Raj: good morning princess.

Cabir: good morning hero.

Raj: Good morning bhukkad

Cabir: hero

Neil and manik also come to the dining table take their seats.

Ragini serves manik first.

Neil: Your hungry husband is also here

Ragini: my hungry husband can wait. I am serving my son first.

Manik looked at her lovingly. She always treat him like as her own son.

Neil got a phone call

Neil(on phone): Is everything ready for the meeting. Yeah.....ok and set the cabin for my P.A too.

Hearing P.A cabir coughed, everyone including manik looked shocked.

Neil noticed every eyes on him.

Neil: What? Why are guys looking at me like this

Mukti: papa did you just say P.A

Neil got the reason of their stares.

Neil: yes. My new P.A is joining from today.

Raj: not new P.A. actually first P.A

Nyo: I am surprised. Boy or girl

Neil: Girl

Cabir: is she hot?

Manik smacked his head.

Neil: she is cute girl

Ragini glared him.

Neil: she is younger than my daughter mukti

Raj: then how come young girl becomes your P.A

Neil: because I am impressed.

Everyone gasped, because impressing neil malhotra is too difficult.

Ragini: if it so I would love to meet her.

Manik was a silent spectator all the time. Because he don't speak a lot.

Neil: so manik are you coming with me to the office today.

Manik: no dad. I am going with mukti to her boutique.

Neil: ok. Cabir you?

Cabir: I will also go with manik.

(manik left music. Without him fab5 also left music they started their own career. Manik mostly locked himself in his room. Sometimes he goes to office with neil, NGO with his mom, boutique with mukti. He just observes the surrounding and talk if necessary)


Neil comes to the office. Everyone greeted him. He silently went to his cabin.

Neil saw Nandini cabin is ready and empty.

Neil: seems like my P.A is ready on his first day in the office.

Neil comes to his cabin and saw everything arranged in a clean manner.

Someone knock the door.

Neil: come in

Nandini attire

Nandini attire

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Nandini comes inside with a black coffee.

Nandini comes inside with a black coffee

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Nandini: good morning sir. Here is your black coffee without sugar as you like

Neil: How do you my preference

Nandini: I just had my resource.

Neil: there is your cabin. Prepare my schedule for today. Then I will tell you about other works. Ok?

Nandini: ok.

Nandini went.

Neil had his black coffee and little surprised because it tasted like restaurant coffee. 

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