7. Why are you so tall?🤔🤔

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Everyone went to freshen up themselves.

Nandini is in the kitchen making coffee for everyone and talking non – stop with the butlers. From the workers she got to know everyone favorite items. She started cooking breakfast too.

Ragini P.O.V

I don't know why I am feeling so much energy around nandu. I like her being so crazy and don't care attitude. I need to rush fast. Don't know what crazier thing she is doing in my kitchen.

Manik's P.O.v

I need to stay away from that crazy girl. She will mess my peaceful life. I never met such a mental case in my life. God I will forget my music for lifetime if i heard her doorbell music again.😑😑

Neonika selecting a dress for raj

Neonika: here take it. I will go make your breakfast.

Butler knocks the door.

Butler: mam this is for you. he gave two coffee cup

Neonika: I didn't tell you to bring it.

Butler: nandini told me to do this. I tried to deny but

Neonika: but she didn't listen right.

Butler: yes mam

Neoniks: it's ok you can go.

Raj: so that crazy girl is also stubborn too

Neonika handover the coffee

Raj: can I drink? What if she played some prank by putting some salt in this?

Neonika: shut up raj. She is innocent sweet girl.

Raj: sweet girl? Seriously

Raj takes one sip

Raj: wow

Neonika: its tastes good right

Raj: surprisingly yes.


Like in same ways butlers goes to everyone's room and gave their coffee.

Manik get ready in formals because he have meeting today, and he promised in night that he will not skip the meeting this time.

Neonika and ragini came down first

Ragini: I am just worried about my kitchen right now

Neo: me too

Neo about to step in the kitchen

Nandu: no no. for now, no one is allowed here.

Ragini: and why is that

Nandu: because it is a restricted area.

Neonika: but we have to make breakfast. you don't know how much hungry these malhotra's can get

Nandu: oh. But still I will not allow you. I am making breakfast for everyone. So you both are going to take rest there.

Ragini and neo: But we don't want to take rest.

Nandu: then go and romance with your husband🤭

Nandu ran into the kitchen saying this.

Neo and ragini widen their eyes hearing her then chuckle😬🤐🤐

Ragini: she is a unique piece

Neo: yeah

One by one everyone came down and saw neonika and ragini happily chatting with each other in a living room.

Cabir: mom I am dying out of hungry, and here you are happily talking instead of cooking

Mukti: if you are not cooking then where I am getting this aroma.

Neil: don't tell me she is making breakfast also

Neo: yes

Raj: now I am excited to eat her handmade food. Her coffee was awesome

Neil: see I told you,

Nandu comes out of the kitchen removing her apron

Nandu: hey guys two minutes. Everything is set for the breakfast

Cabir: your coffee was fantastic

Nandu: thank you. You are?

Neil: he is my second son cabir malhotra.

Raj: and she is daughter mukti malhotra

Nandu: hi

Raj: and who is behind you is my son manik malhotra

Nandu turned to see manik but she saw a well-built chest only. She stretched her head upwards to see his face. 😜

Seeing that tiny girl stretching her face like that made everyone laugh including manik.

Nandu: now I know why everyone is so excited to meet you

Neo: what

Nandu: your son is so famous in office. Yesterday in office so many of them talking about him only.

Nandini suddenly noticed everyone then manik

Manik: what?

Nandu: sir, no one has this much height in your family. Then how you become so height. Why are you so tall?🤔🤔🤔🤔

Manik: ahh (he never thought about this too, he got shocked by her question)

Neil chuckeld : he is like my dad in height.

Nandu: oh ok. come come let's eat tasty tasty breakfast 😛

Cabir is the first one who went behind her.

And they saw whole table was filled with so many variety dishes.

Neil: you made these all

Nandu: yes. Single army😎😎

Neil: you have an important presentation today. If you waste your concentration here how will you present good one (he tried (Keyword-tried) to say in an angry tone)

Nandu: I am not that old to forget everything. (Witty replay)

Ragini chuckled 🤭🤭🤭because she realized nandini taunting him by saying old.

Arrogant Boss vs irritating PAWhere stories live. Discover now