21. Abi tho party shruv hui hai

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doorbell music ring 1. 2..3...4....5.....

Everyone looked at the door at same time,🧐

Neo and ragini went to opens the door

Mukti: Is it her this time?

Manik: definitely it's her (confidence dekho)😎

When they open the door, they saw only someone holding flower bouquet. From bouquet behind, nandini shows her smiling face.

 From bouquet behind, nandini shows her smiling face

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Nandu: happy happy birthday to the most beautiful women in the world.



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Ragini hugged her with utmost happiness

Neo: most beautiful in the world ah? Then what about me

Nandu: you are the most gorgeous women in the galaxy

Both laughed saying"no one can win against you"

Nandu gave the bouquet to ragini. She searched something in her bag and takes out big chocolate bar then gave that to neonika.

Neo: why for me?

Nandu got nervous,

Ragini: bouquet for me, chocolate for you, so that you won't feel bad,

Nandu looked at ragini instant, because she was absolutely right

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