12. It's Personal🤥😬🤐

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Everyone arrived to the conference room. Nandini all set for the presentation.

Mr. Tiwari: So can we see your presentation young man

Manik: sure sir

Manik signs nandini to start

Nandini started her presentation gracefully. At end of the presentation everyone surprised to see how a new comer can present so perfectly, no one can point out any mistake from her. While manik looked totally shocked to see a clumsy crazy girl is a perfect in professional life

Mr.Tiwari: absolutely the project is yours young malhotra

Manik: thank you sir

Mr.Tiwari: well I am really impressed miss ?

Nandini: nandini murthy

Mr.tiwari: are you new here I never saw you before.

Nandini: yeah.

Mr. tiwari: manik where is that idiot friend of mine

Manik: he is sick

Mr.tiwari: not again man. BP?

Manik: yeah

Seeing nandini confused expression, tiwari explained

Tiwari: well , let me tell you a secret I am neil's friend

Nandini: let me also tell you secret I am neil's P.A (in a same tone)😜

Tiwari laughed where manik rolled his eyes😤

Tiwari: like finally after 20 years he takes my suggestion of having P.A. Manik keep me updated about this project. I am going to see neil.

Manik: ok sir(tiwari glared him) sorry bye uncle.

As soon as he went away, manik glared nandini😡

Nandini: for my beautiful wonderful presentation you should appreciate me, but why are you scaring me with your glare sirrrrrr?😏

Without answering he just went away

Nandini: arrogant🤨🤨

In manik's cabin

Manik: for this project we need a new team

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Manik: for this project we need a new team. Tomorrow dad will decide the team members. Just remind him about it ok?

Nandu: dad? You mean raj sir or neil sir🤔🤔

Manik: you are not raj malhotra P.A right? I am talking about neil dad

Nandu: sir I have a doubt?

Manik: what doubt? You are going to be in this team or not?

Nandu: no sir, not about that? Neil sir is your bade papa right so why are you calling him dad?

Manik: its none of your business miss.murthy. It's personal

Nandu(slow voice) arrogant😶

Manik: did you said something

Nandu: nothing sir.

Before manik continue his phone rings

Manik: hi dad, how was your health now?

Neil: I am doing good son. Is nandini with you I want congrats her for the project

Manik: how you know we got the project.

Neil: I have a full faith on my talented P.A

Manik: yeah she is here.

Manik handovers the phone to nandini saying "dad wants to talk"

Nandu: hello sir, did you rest well, did you take the medicine, what are doing there why are you not answering

Manik: if you let him speak😵

Nandu: oh

Neil signs a relief: well I am good here after taking rest. Well congrats nandu.

Nandu: thank you sir.

Neil: did manik decide the team?

Nandu: not yet.

Neil: ok. Pass the phone

Nandu pass the phone to him.

Manik: yeah dad

Neil: just now I got the message. Aryaman and veeba are back. They we will reach the office any time. Ask nandu to join with them for this project. Other formalities you know right

Manik: yeah dad, I will take care of that.

Neil: wait wait your mom cribbing to talk

Manik chuckles🙂😊

Nyonika: manik don't stress too much ok. Have your lunch on time.

Manik: ok mom I will.

Nyo: is nandu with you? (excitedly)😄

Manik: yeah

Nyo: really, pass the phone

Manik: ok

Maniik : mom

Nandini eyes started twinkling 😃😍😍

Nandu on the phone: hi mam

Neo: hey dear I am missing you already and congrats for the project

Nandu: thank you mam. I am also missing you very much (manik rolled his eyes)

Neo: even you have busy schedule you have visit us again ok. not as Neil's P.A, as our dear friend. Promise

Nandu: sure mam. Promise.

Neo: ok then take care of yourself and make sure that manik eat his lunch fully.

Nandu: ok mam bye.

Nandu gives back his phone: sir your phone

Manik: what promises you guys are talking about?

Nandu about to say the fact but she remembers something: "It's personal" (she smirked)😝😝

Manik: fine now go back to your work.

After nandini went Manik mumbled "god she is so irritating"🤥🤥


i know this part is not upto the mark. i am also missing the craziness in me. suggest me some crazy stuff for nandini. 

keep reading

stay safe and happy.

Arrogant Boss vs irritating PAWhere stories live. Discover now