36. New game

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After reading this story, my readers also gone savage like nandu

ME: What are you expecting next?

All Readers: we are expecting fast update

Damn it's so funny🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Do inline comments. it makes me happy and some comments are really fun to read


Nandu returned back to her home. She was lost in her thoughts. One side she is sad for not staying with her friends. Other side she is happy that now her salary will increase she can save it for sahil operation and she don't need to spend her money on rent too.

Nandu called arya and ravi to say everything.

Ravi: I thought we can have lot of masti

Arya: what happened now? Now we will go to her house then will do lot of masti okay.

Nandu: of course and we will go outing in weekends too.

Ravi: so when are you going to shift.

Nandu: maybe this week when time permits

Arya: inform us too. We will help you in packing

Nandu: okay. Good night.

In malhotra mansion

Manik and neil both are in study room

Neil: what happened manik. Seems like you roasted everyone and one got fired too.

Manik: I just got to know we have some black cat in our office who work for our rivals. I am just trying to find them.

Neil: relax son. I will handle it.

Manik: dad, it's you plan right

Neil: what plan?

Manik: nandini accommodation. You deliberately make her stay here why?

Neil chuckles

Neil: yeah. i don't know she has some magic I want to make her stay in guest room. At the same you asked about the file in exact time, so using the situation I asked her to stay in this house. And I don't want to her to feel uncomfortable here. But situation turned, so I asked her to stay in outhouse. By the way how you find it

Manik: you didn't mention the address or room no in that file when that's the major thing to be filled first.

Neil: smart ah?


Next day went in a blink. Nandini and neil was damn busy in office. Aliya and mukti forcefully dragged manik to her fashion house. Because they want measurement for tall guys, and manik is our own tall tower.

Nandu comes in neil's cabin

Nandu: sir I need 2 hours permission

From behind arya and ravi also came there saying 'we also need permission sir'

Neil: why do you need permission?

Nandu: I need to pack my belongings and shift before night time

Arya: we also thought to help her

Ravi: before that, sir we finished our work

Neil: good. Permission grated.

Three of them smiled and left saying thank you

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