11. Clumsy girl

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In malhotra mansion

manik and nandu went to the office. The house went silent.

Ragini: here is your tablet

Nyonika passed the water

Neil stared the tablet

Nyo: why are you glaring tablets

Neil: am I really getting old.

Nyo and ragini started at each other and laughed.

Neil: Stop laughing

Ragini: you are not. Why are you thinking like that

Nyo: nandu is an innocent baby. She is just teasing you

Neil: but she never teases you and always compliments you

Nyo and Ragini: because we are her favorites

They laughed. Neil sulked more.

Ragini: stop sulking like a kid. Drink your medicine now

Neil drinks his medicine. He saw ragini lost somewhere

Neil: where you lost

Ragini: suddenly this home felt so silent

Neo: I second that too. There is something in that girl.

Neil: I know.

Ragini: the first girl who impressed both father and son. She is really something different

Neil: and crazy

Neo: crazy as hell. Did you noticed how she made manik eat, and convinced ruhi easily

Neil: I just hope she don't do any of her crazy stunts in office.

Three laughed

Manik and nandini reached the office

When they about to enter the office

Manik: don't do any crazy thing here. I will throw you out of the office

Nandini(innocently): but what did I do (showing her innocent face)

Nandini(innocently): but what did I do (showing her innocent face)

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Manik just entered into the lift without answering. Before the lift gets close nandini also enter mumbling something

When the lift opens they saw unknown atmosphere

For manik it's expected.

Nandini frowned seeing the office especially employees

Nandini checked the floor again then got confused. Seeing manik being so casual about it she got more confused.

Because most of the girls looking different, means sexy, some of them wears revealing clothes. Only few of them were normal

 Only few of them were normal

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