20. I was just stating the fact😶

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After dropping nandini, manik went back to his home, but neil saw neil saw manik's car leaving from the office

Neil got confused seeing manik's car leaving

Neil: manik didn't inform anything about his arrival, but he is already leaving then why did he came, Oh god why my kids are so complicate to understand, I think I should call ragini

Neil called ragini who is busy in watching serial

Ragini: you left just before 20 minutes. You are missing me already😍

Neil: where is manik

Ragini: that means you are not missing me🙃🙃

Neil rolled his eyes" my dear sweetie I asked you something"

Ragini: yeah manik right, oh here he is

Manik just now stepped on the door with a peaceful smile☺

Ragini: hey manik, why are smiling so much today, where you went

Manik: I just went to drop ruhi, saying this he ran to his room

Ragini looked him confusingly,

Neil: are you there

Ragini: sorry, I forget, do you want talk to him,

Neil: no. I will call you back,

After hanging up the call Neil too got confused

Neil: is it my imagination? I really saw manik there

His thoughts brakes by the sound on the door

Nandu comes with his coffee

Nandu: good mooring sir

Neil: hmm

Nandu looked at him surprisingly, because it's the first time he didn't wished her back

Nandu: sir

Neil come out of his thoughts

Neil: hey good morning nandu🙂🙂

Nandu: are you ok sir

Neil: yeah I am ok. did you see manik's car

Nandu said casually :"yeah"

Neil: really

Nandu: obviously I saw manik sir. Actually he is the one who drop me on time

Neil got surprised "he dropped you"

Nandu: yeah

Neil: But...

Nandu: sir you are wasting my time on talking. I am going to do my work

Neil jaw dropped on the floor😑🤐🤐

Neil: Manik gave a lift, is this a reason of his smile or something else

Shooing away of his thoughts, he resumed his work

In lunch time,

Nandu knocks the door for the first without getting herself hurt,

Neil: wow that's the wonder of the world

Nandu : what

Neil: you just open the door with your hands not head, that's really wonder of the world right

Nandu rolled her eyes "seriously"

Neil laughed seeing her face

Nandu: I think you are hungry that's why you are saying dead jokes

Neil: if I am dead jokes then you are saying post-mortem jokes,

Both laughed

Nandu: seems like I am rubbing on you so much

Neil: you are spoiling me so much now a days

Nandu: are you not getting late for your date.

Neil: I still do have some time left. Nandu you know tomorrow party will be held on my home

Nandu: I know

Neil: you completed most of the work. Still do you have any work tomorrow

Nandu: no

Neil: Good. Then take care of the party preparation tomorrow. Not heavy work just supervise

Nandu: ok

Neil: and I want everything to be perfect

Nandu: yes Mr. Perfect malhotra.

Neil raised his brow

Nandu: I was just stating the fact😶. Sir tell me about ragini mam likes and dislikes. What she loves the most

Neil: it's me,

Nandu rolled her eyes for his answer

Neil: what "I was just stating the fact😶"

After giving the winning smile, he explains his wife's likes and dislike

Neil: I have to go now; anything important, just give me a call

Nandu: bye sir, enjoy

After coming out from the office, he went to his date location arranged everything on his own, around 4 Pm he called ragini to ready for the surprise.

Ragini went her room, Neil arranged her attire everything on his cupboard without her knowledge.

Ragini comes out with light make up, faced neonika who didn't stop her teasing. And finally went to the location he sent. They both enjoyed their special date

Next Morning

Everyone wished Ragini at first in the morning. They are all now getting ready for the puja now,

And suddenly they heard doorbell no ...no.. it's not a normal doorbell ring it's not their favorite doorbell music ring1. 2..3...4....5.....😲


How many of you waiting for nandu arrival

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Till then bye
Enjoy reading
Have a great day

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