37. Don't teach me what to do

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Ravi and arya left after having dinner. Nandu called her amms talked with all kids and share the news of her home shift. Being in new place she didn't get any sleep, so she called arya and ravi to disturbed their sleep well. (Haha evil she is)

Raman was walking here and there in balcony suddenly he rushed to the ground when he saw some hoodie man in the garden.

When raman comes in the garden, he saw the hoddie man talking to someone

Hoodie men: hey would you come out tomorrow, should I feed you something

That's when raman realized it's not hoodie men, it's hoodie women our nandini

Raman: what are doing here?

Nandu got scared hearing strong voice

Nandu: nothing. God you scared me

Raman: whom you are talking?

Nandu: see I am talking to them.

Raman saw no on is there, he got scared one minute

Nandu: I was asking to this rose buds, will it blossom tomorrow or not

Raman got his heart beat back

Raman mumbles 'pagal'

Raman: what are you doing here at this time, scaring people

Nandu: it's a new place, I am not getting any sleep. And I can be scary at time but not more than you

Raman: what do you mean by that?

Nandu: you always scare people

Raman: I am not

Nandu: oh really, every member of you family scared of your anger, especially you own daughter

Raman: it's not like that ok? They do respect my space and decision.

Nandu: whatever makes you sleep; now I am getting sleep after talking to a boring person like you. Good night Sir

Raman nose flares up, first she taunt him and tagged him as boring then call him sir with respect...

(Wow her new technique, Roasting with honey)


Next day

As usual everyone get ready to kickoff their morning

Ruhi is sitting beside cabir

Ruhi: chachu, will you by me a map

Cabir: of course I will buy anything for my doll.

Manik: what map do you want ruhi

Ruhi thought of something

Ruhi: don't know chachu, I want everything. I will read it then I will win the game

Raman and manik looks surprised as they didn't thought she will take this game as serious

Cabir: so this is the matter, ok, I will buy the map, and I will play with you in evening let's see if you can beat me

Ruhi: I am ready

Mukti: don't take any risk cabir, it would be very embarrass for you if she wins

Manik: let's bet. I am on ruhi's side.

Mukti: me too

Cabir pouts: no one loves me

Neo comes there: I am with you cabir.

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