8. Weird creature of Galaxy

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Raj: so can we start eating

Nandu: Permission granted

Neil chuckled

Raj and Cabir literally attacking all the food.

Manik didn't eat at all. Nyonika and ragini didn't force him. Because it's their daily routine manik just eat his breakfast once in a week.

Nandu: mam you also sit with them. I will serve

Nyo: it's ok nandu. We will eat afterwards.

Nandu: no no. I want to see you liked my food or not. So sit beside your husbands.

Ragini: ok.

Nandu: cabir sir, food is not going run away. You can eat slowly or else you will be choked

Before she finished the word cabir choked the food.

Ragini gives the water patting his head.

Nandu: you okay cabir sir

Cabir: Don't call me sir please. I am not that old. You can call me cabir

Mukti: and me mukti

Nandu: if you are ok with it.

Ragini: then why don't you call us aunty

Neo: yeah. Mam sounds so formal.

Nandu: that's impossible. You guys don't look aunty type. You look like my didi's. So mam will be good.

Neo and ragini smirked at their husbands. And they sulked see them getting compliment.

Nandini saw manik didn't eat anything at all. Nandu sit beside manik.

Nandu: are you fasting today sir?

Manik: no

Nandu: then you don't like Indian food?

Manik: no. Now why are you asking questions like this

Nandu: why are you not eating sir?

Neil about stop nandini's talk ragini stopped him. And signed him to let her be

Manik: I don't eat breakfast

Everyone concentration on nandu's conversation only.

Nandu: without eating breakfast how you become this much tall. Oh are you afraid if you eat breakfast your height grow more, then your head will touch the roof.

Hearing this everyone stopped eating and look nandu who is so casual after asking such an alien question.

Manik widen his eyes in shock, and he is getting irritated by now.

Manik: I don't want to eat breakfast that's a simple phrase can't you understand it.

Now Nyonika got afraid that manik will going to be burst on nandu. And nandu will get hurt and cry. But nyonika surprised to saw nandu's face is still very calm

Nandu: oh now I understand it

Manik signed in a relief

Nandu: You only eat your mummy's handmade food. Awww such a mumma's boy

Manik wanted to bang his head somewhere

Ragini turned her sideways, so that no one can see how much she controlling her laugh

Manik: can't you just stop irritating me

Nandu: can't you just eat? I hate when someone ignore my food.

Manik: if I eat will you stop talking

Nandu: I will try.

Manik takes his plate and serves himself.

Nandu smiled. Raj gave an impressive look. Neil and ragini grinned see manik eating breakfast

Cabir: I love this taste

Mukti: restaurant taste but homely made

Raj: Yeah.

Neil: she used to worked in a restaurant before

Cabir: really

Nandu: yeah. I still do in weekends.

Nyo and ragini saw manik who is trying every dish without realizing he ate all the items at least one time. Now he is thinking what to eat next. Seeing him confused nyonika passed aloo paratha to him which is his all-time favorite. He takes one paratha. Ragini put another paratha in his plate. He eats silently.

Cabir: if I eat like this daily then I need to do triple workout

Nandu: that's nandu's hand magic. You can't stop eating.

Mukti: so true.

Nandini: Ragini mam can I ask you something

Ragini: anything dear.

Nandini: did manik sir and cabir born in same day

Ragini: no. elder one is cabir. After 1 year manik born

Neo: she may confused seeing their height

Manik in mind: "why everyone behind my height today."

Nandu: I thought they would born in same day and the babies got interchanged.

Ragini: interchanged?? What are you talking

Nandu: you see Neil sir and manik sir have same qualities; Raj sir and cabir have same behavior

Raj: you mean bhai and manik are calm and silent; me and cabir fun loving person

Nandu: no you both are hungry hulk and they are angry hulk (Except these four all laughed)

Ragini: I thought she is going to compliment them.

Mukti: manik bhai always follows Neil dad. Cabir bhai much fond of dad

Nandu: you are all so weird. (Everyone looked at her suddenly)

Nandu: what? Why are you giving me that look?

Raj: I think we all thinking the same

Neil: that you are the weirdest creature in the whole galaxy

Nandu: I will take it as a compliment. 

Arrogant Boss vs irritating PAWhere stories live. Discover now