4. Crazy girl

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Neil malhotra entered in his home

Neo give water to him.

Neil: did manik arrived

Neo: as usual in his room.

Ragini: they are coming today.

Raj: hmm.

Mukti cabir and and manik comes there

Mukti: who is coming ma

Neo: your brother with pari and

Cabir: and?

Ragini: Aunt

Mukti and cabir: oh no🙄🙄

Ragini glared them

Cabir: stop glaring us. We can't help it. We are not comfortable with her.

Mukti: it's not just us. Even manik bhai also not comfortable

Neil: really

Mani: I never said that

Cabir: but we can feel that

Raj: hey guys wts up. Family meeting without me...

Mukti: Pari is coming

Raj: that's great news

Cabir: with aunt

Raj: oh no, it's not great🙄🙄

Everyone chuckles

Neil: like father like sons

Raj: ragini bhabhi coffee please

Ragini arrived with a coffee Everyone having their coffee

Raj: bhabhi no one can make a tasty coffee like you

Neil: if in that case you should try nandu's coffee

Mukti: nandu🤔

Neil: nandini

Cabir: Your new P.A

Neil: yes.

Ragini: she is really awesome. I met her today.

Cabir: really

Ragini: yeah and you know what happen today?

Ragini narrates everything, after hearing that they started laughing

Raj: see someone really said the fact that you growing old bhai

Neil: shut up,

Raj: if she meet me then she will assume that I am your son

Neil: you are not that young ok

Raj: oh please don't be jealous bro

Everyone smiling at their nok-jok

Mukti: mom did really bang her head on the door

Neil and ragini laughed

Ragini: yeah

Cabir: like all the time

Neil: every time. I think I should remove the glass door soon.

Neo: I am excited to meet her

Manik didn't say anything but listening everything. And amused to hear about the new girl who impressed his family.

Neo: it's been so long since we laughed and enjoyed like this.

Voice: I am back

Everyone turned to see its aunty with raman and pari

Cabir(whispered muki): shit destroyer is arrived

Aunty: seems like everyone in happy mood.

Ruhi: manuuu(ruhi ran into his arms)

Manik: I missed you so much cutie pie

Ruhi: I aslo missed you so so so much (stretching her arms wide)

Aunt: he is elder than you. You are calling him by his name, where is your manner gone

Ruhi hide herself in manik's arms

Ragini: she is just a kid

Aunt: stop supporting her all the time. Because of you she is getting spoiled.

Neo lifted pari in her arms

Neo: baby, are you hungry.

Ruhi nodded yes.

Cabir: then let's fill her tummy, come pari. They went to kitchen with pari.

Neo: raman how are you, beta

Raman just went without saying anything

Neil: she is talking to you raman. Say something

Raman: I am not interested

Neil: mind your words raman.

Raman: I am not here for any lectures just leave me alone.

Raman just went to his room.

Aunty: I am also tired. I am going to take rest now

Neil looked at him worriedly

Ragini: where is our raman, did he had his dinner?

Manik: he is in his room.

Neil: why his life like that ragini, can't we change anything?

Neil started breathing heavily

Manik and mukti: dad

Raj: cabir bring that Bp tablet.

Cabir brings the tablet.

After having the tablet he calmed hown

Neil: I am fine kids.

Raj: no. you are not fine. i am going to call the doctor tomorrow, you are not going to office tomorrow

Neil: oh no. I have a important meeting tomorrow.

Raj: manik will take care of it. Right manik?

Manik nodded positively

Cabir: so now you are going to take rest.

Neil: ok.

Everyone went to their respective rooms

Ragini: I told you take rest,

Neil: I am just calling nandini,

Ragini put it on speaker

Neil: Hello nandini

Nandini: hi sir, how are you, had your dinner, I know you are worried about tomorrow presentation I am preparing it now, almost I am going to finish it. Why did you called me at this time you want to ask something, are sir... say something

Ragini started laughed like anything

Neil: if you let me speak,

Nandini: oh

Neil: Come early tomorrow to my house. I will send the address. I won't come office tomorrow. So I will give you some document and explained you work tomorrow ok.

Nandini: ok but....

Neil: don't start your express now. Bye.

Ragini: she is crazy

Neil: that's true. crazy girl.

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